Tuesday, February 01, 2022


Walked to The Market after breakfast and got a number of necessary items. Walked home, too, rather than bused, so I got three miles in.

Had lunch, then walked to the P.O. to send the now fully-corrected deed to the Jersey attorney. I had written a cover letter and somehow, thought it was February 1, which is what I dated it. However, the deed itself is dated okay, so I guess it's no problem. Made it certified and signature required.

I went from there to Ross, meaning to pick up those small casseroles I had seen, plus some drawer dividers that looked useful. However, I saw a sign that on Tuesdays, people over 50 were given ten percent off. Now, I'm comfortable financially and I have few money worries, but does anyone seriously think I would buy those items on Monday when I'd get ten percent off of Tuesday???? When pigs...well, you know. So I'll go back today.

Other than that, not a whole lot going on.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...