Monday, February 14, 2022


Not a bad Sunday. The crossword was challenging, and took me a lot longer than usual, but I got all but two. After that, I took my cart and walked to Smart 'N' Final for spaghetti and kabuchi (or something ) squash, as I'm continuing to be an addict. It was a beautifully warm day, but not humid (it's never "Jersey humid" here) and the three miles were enjoyable.

After lunch, I bused to town, so added another two. Ellen called while I was in a thrift shop and we had a nice conversation. Stopped at the Senior Craft Store and bought a two-part set of microwave hot pads. I already have one of these, and I use it daily. The woman who sewed them was there and bent my ear for what seemed like an hour (probably ten minutes) about how she started sewing as a ten-year-old and so on. They were pricey--eighteen bucks for two--but having transitioned into a wild spendthrift, I  bought them anyway. I do like the patter and know I'll use them a lot.

I was pleased that my tenant, Susan, emailed me back re the lease page I modified, initialed, and sent to her. She wrote that they're in Florida at the moment, but would initial, get it copied, and email back. Incidentally, I crossed out the part about a $50 penalty if the rent is ten days late. I think that's insulting and I know damn well they 're not going to remit late.

Best news of the day: I slept well and just got up at 6:20. I know my body needs exercise and looking over this blog, it seems the days I don't get a reasonable amount are when I can't sleep. Will try to remedy that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...