Monday, February 28, 2022


To give credit where credit is due, I must say I'm due a lot of credit 😁: I spent the first part of the day clearing up the bedroom to make more room and just got rid of accumulated stuff. Living in a one-bedroom, you have be creative with storage and I was able to stow some things away by using the long closet and the only other closet space in the hallway. It looks pretty good, but I have more to do.

After lunch, I got my little cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart and got just about everything I needed/wanted (aside from tacking a few more years onto my life). Bused part of the way back and stopped into Ross at the mall, where I had gotten large picture frames last week. Annoyingly, they had none--they seem to keep no stock at all--so I'll have to look elsewhere.  Got home at 4:30 and continued on my neatening up project.      

Incredibly, the futon I had just ordered from Amazon came to my door at about ten of six--on Sunday! It was in a huge box, with a smaller one inside and the futon, with case, in that. I got it out of the boxes, but won't open it until after breakfast today.  To harken back to the beginning of the day, I slept until 6:20, late for me, but it wasn't very refreshing, as I had had a terrible time sleeping. I'm quite sure it was because I was in all day Saturday and got essentially no exercise, unless you want to call making lunch for Jim and me exercise. I had stayed up until 10:00, but even so, I couldn't sleep much of the night. I may have been nervous about another earthquake, too. Anyway, I decided against taking a nap because I was afraid that would just make matters worse, but I felt pretty good.  As for the crossword, it was absorbing, although I didn't get all of it and finally quit with a few squares blank. 

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