Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Procrastinating, The Patio, And Peace

I should use the letter "P" as a middle initial, standing for the fact that I'm the world's worst procrastinator. For several weeks, I've been meaning to do three chores: 1.) file the papers that were filling up my "in" basket; 2.) make several financial and business calls; and 3.) clean and shape up the patio.  I put them off and put them off, but yesterday--halleluiah!--I did them all!  Took care of the filing in the morning, plus the calls, and handled some other mundane stuff. I went out to the patio about 10:30, thinking I'd just sweep for ten minutes or so. Started in, then everything went black and when I came to, it was three o'clock. 

Well, it seemed that way. Once I started, I realized there was a whole heck of a lot more to do. That included, but wasn't limited to, taking everything off my little display shelving, washing them in the kitchen sink, then taking the shelving to Suzanne's back and washing it with her hose; hauling a lot of unused, but still good, items to the area where people leave things for others; gathering a lot of trash--dead leaves, old plastic pots, unattractive planters--and taking them to the trash enclosure; moving a number of potted plants here and there; and washing and moving to under the ficus* tree my little Arab girl, Al-El.  And here she is, along with the rest of the patio after my hours of labor:

Later, I invited Suzanne over to see the patio and chat a bit. She came with her O'Doul's, and we had a pleasant time. She brought up the Russia/Ukraine thing and I suggested we should be very skeptical about our government's veracity. We talked about that a bit--the fact that we seem to have achieved around the world the title of Feared Mass Murderer (do we kill children? Sure!). I mentioned my DVD of Bill Moyer's Buying The War, which zeros in on the blatant connection between the Pentagon and  mass media promoting the Iraqi war. This still prevails, of course, and in spades, considering the Russia/Ukraine thing. Anyway, she asked to borrow the DVD and also, what I'd recommend in sources that have a different view on things. I said David Swanson's "World Without War" is good, as well as "Consortium News." I subscribe to these and follow many more pacifist sites and journalists, but I didn't want to overwhelm her.   

Speaking of overwhelming, this lengthy tome is probably enough to put anybody to sleep. Sorry--I just couldn't seem to stop!

* Incredibly, Spellcheck doesn't recognize "ficus"--it keeps telling me to change the spelling. Illiterate Internet nerds!

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