Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Stripped the bed, did a white wash, then re-made. After breakfast, I put Shirley Temple's autobiography in my cart and walked to the little lending library to donate it, along with two DVDs. There were slim pickin's for me, though. I picked up a book of short stories, but I'm not really excited about it.

I had intended to bus to the mall and maybe go to Target, but saw on my phone app it would be 16 minutes before the 11 came along. Decided instead to walk the mile to Victoria, and caught the 6 there. By that time, it was almost 1:00, so I jettisoned the idea of the mall and went home instead. 

Had lunch and started off to bus to town, but the wind was so fierce, I turned back in half a block. I was actually afraid I'd be hit with a tree limb or something. Unusually for me, I stayed in the rest of the day. I ordered a long window squeegee set from Amazon for my sliding class door, which should actually come today. But, ha! It just occurred to me I don't have a bucket. Guess I'll buy one or better, a water holder that fits the squeegee.  After that, I went over to CVS for the purple conditioner I use. Put on my jacket, picked up my purse, stepped out, and locked the front door.

Only I couldn't. I had noticed that it seemed harder and harder to turn the key recently, but now I just couldn't do it. (That's only from the outside; the inside lock turns easily.) Keeping my mind on the important stuff, I went over and bought the conditioner and called the office when I got back. Luckily, Aiden (not a maintenance person, but some kind of office assistant) works until 6:00 and he came over. He fussed around with it and sprayed in some stuff and I was finally able to turn the key enough to lock it, but just barely. He said maintenance would be over today to "take off the plate," whatever that means, I guess to replace the lock itself.

Off to Santa Barbara in a few hours.



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