Friday, February 18, 2022


Walked to The Market in the morning. Boy, the wind was swift, but not as bad as it was the other day. On my way, I met Michelle and we chatted for a bit. Got Brussels sprouts, carrots, and floss. I needed kitchen sponges, but annoyingly, they had only the ones with the scrubby stuff on one side and I didn't want those. 

While I was there, my niece, Joan, from Florida, called. She still on the trail of the family history, and I filled her in about my father's brother, Uncle Edmond and his mentally disturbed wife, Aunt Frances. Boy, do we have some skeletons in the...but I guess every family does.  Joan set up a Zoom meeting for Sunday night with my brother, Jim, 96, in Bangkok. I asked her to let me know if she found him sound or not. 

From The Market, I walked the block and a half to Wal-Mart and yes, indeed, I was able to get a pack of six nice sponges. Bought something else, too, but I can't remember what.  Bused part of the way home, as I'm wont to do.* Had lunch, then did some food prep, to wit**cooked and scooped out the edible part of a big spaghetti squash; and scrubbed and cut up two pounds of carrots, added olive oil, onions, and seasonings, and put them to simmer in the slow cooker. 

I was about to leave for town when the guy came to clean the drying hose. I had been notified by management last week, but just forgot he was coming, but no prob. I asked him to lock the door when he left and I took off for the bus. Got a pair of slacks in a pretty rose-red, plus two hand towels, and two cloth napkins.  

Home at 5:30 and I had my good veggies--what I had prepared earlier, plus some mashed yams I had in the freezer, and a small turkey burger. 

* I can't help myself--I love these antique phrases!  

** See????

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...