Friday, February 11, 2022

A Birthday Cake And A Birthday Remembered

 Having slept better, I felt better, of course; full of energy, in fact. After breakfast, I dry- then wet-mopped the hard floors, washed the throw rugs, and vacuumed a bit. I then took off for the bus and Target. Used the rest of the Blue Shield gift card, plus some of my own dough to get ingredients for the cake for my little birthday (for Suzanne) dinner party. Home, I had lunch, then--big news--took off for the pool!

Okay, I didn't, but I thought about it, as it was well into the eighties. However, I went over to Von's to get a few more items. I then came home and started making the cake. Since I simply can't find my recipe box, I decided to follow I found on the Internet and it's called "My Very Best Vanilla Cake." 

Sad, sad story: I did exactly as the recipe told me, with one little exception. The cook recommended that baking power be tested to be sure it's still potent. All you have to do is put some in boiling water and see if it fizzes, but I thought, "Oh, that's just silly, not necessary, and I won't do it."

I wish I had. The cake--after I followed a rather complicated directions ("beat the eggs for four minutes at 7 speed, then incorporate the flour bit by bit for 45 seconds...") came out edible, all right, but about an inch and a half high. No question my baking powder was dead. I actually thought of making another, less complicated cake, today but then I thought, "Oh, hell, no, I'll just cut the two layers in half, put one on the other, frost it, and make it half a cake. Suzanne and Vickie are friends of mine. I'll tell them what happened with the cake and they'll like it anyway."

On the other hand, I do have time to make another and can feed the original to the birds. I just went to inspect it and oh, yes, it's very dense, but certainly edible. Haven't decided what I'll do--stay tuned.   

He would have been 90 years old today. Rest in peace, Pat.


Pat said...

Having gone to the Grammar School I remember the three of them. I thought of them like movie stars. I wasn't yet in the Drum and Bugle I was probably in 6th grade. Pat was so good looking. I bet lots of girls had crushes on him. I wonder how they voted for King and Queen. We used containers and voted with pennies.
I made a mistake one time with baking soda. My corn pudding called for baking powder and I used baking soda...fizz, fizzz

Mimi said...

Pat, I just saw this. I can't understand why, although I've checked the "send comments to my email" box, I haven't been getting them. I re-checked, so hope I will now.
Yes, Pat was a good looking guy in high school and, of course, Bernadette Reagan was quite a beauty. BTW, Pat would actually have been ninety-ONE on February 11, not 90--I forgot it was '22, not '21 and he was born in 1931.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...