Wednesday, February 09, 2022

A Good, Good Day...

For one thing, my tenants refused to pay the $75 rent increase. But how could that be a good thing? Because this is their response to the email I sent:

On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 6:20 AM Hogan, Sue <> wrote:

I just spoke to Cliff.  We will pay you $100 extra even though you asked for $75.  We understand your plight and you have been very good to us.  Thank you for allowing us to stay on.  It’s a nice community. 

Unbelievable and, of course, I sent back my thanks. I guess cynics would say, "well, they're both gainfully employed and surely have nice, fat pension waiting for them in August, so the extra ain't gonna hurt." I don't care, I still think it's a great thing to do. As for my "plight," as Susan wrote, I mentioned that I'm 85, on a fixed income, my rent rose by $126 a month, and there's still a mortgage on the house. Now I feel a little guilty. Yes, my circumstances are as I said, but--well, both my social security and my pension have gone up considerably in 2022 and, in fact, if not well off, I'm comfortable financially. 

Plus: Out of the blue (heh-heh), Blue Shield sent me a Target gift card for $25. Why in the world--? I guess just because I'm a good person or something. Hell, I'm not asking questions; I went to Target after lunch and already spent some of it.

Best of All: The above just concerns money, so is of minor importance, but then very good news came via a phone call from my niece, Carolyn. She's redecorating and asked if I want Aunt Maggie's old sewing cabinet and the tin in which she kept buttons. Oh, yes, very much. (I first asked the size of the cabinet; luckily, it's small.) I remember when Aunt Maggie was alive and used to sew and I remember that cabinet. She made these capes, caps, and matching draw string bags for Betty and me. Here we are will our childhood friend, Whizzie Eaton:

Aunt Maggie made them for our dolls, too. Here's my Linda in hers, sitting in my living room right now:
Good, Better, Best: Carolyn and I made a date for next Wednesday. I'll bus to Santa Barbara, she'll meet me, we'll visit with Betty, then go to lunch. After that, she'll drive me--and the cabinet--home. Yay, yay, and things are so good. 

Since this is a marathon entry, I'll add the important news that I did a color wash when I got home from Target at 4:30. (I still appreciate my washer and dryer in my own place.)

Soon, will leave for the bus to Ojai and meet Stella for the free-lunch-if-you-let-us-bend-your-ear-about-cremation affair. Hey, I'm game.

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