Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Monday In The Garden

Before I left for Smart 'n' Final, I put in the slow cooker black beans, onions, and the liquid I always save and freeze from cooking vegetables. Bought lettuce (romaine and green leaf, for a change), marinade for fish, carrots, and a few other things. Good thing I'm okay with walking, as the buses don't run on Memorial Day.

As I came into the gate, I ran into a resident in another building putting something in the recycle bin and we remarked on how distressingly full they were. We fell into conversation and I learned that her mother is in a care facility in Ventura. Of course, I shared about Betty and we had a good, if not lighthearted talk. Unfortunately, Donna's father, although he's mentally sound and still lives in his  home, has heart problems. Donna has a twenty-one-year-old son who goes to Ventura College, where Jim teaches. It occurred to me that I'd like to get to know her better and we exchanged info. I'm always happy to make new friends, especially those with which I have more in common than some I already have. Donna is 51, younger than any of my children. Somehow, I seem to have a easier rapport with people her age than with many of my contemporaries. 

After lunch, I tackled the patio. Boy, that was a job. After starting about 2:00. I used Suzanne's hose to wash down my shelves, swept and otherwise cleaned, and didn't finish up until 5:00. I took two trips to the trash/recycle area to discard stuff, including a lot of containers I thought I'd use, but didn't. I must say, it looks pretty good. However, I didn't go into the actual planting area, which needs to be cleaned up a bit; I'll do that today.

Suzanne invited me over to see the roses on her patio--pale pink, but with graduations of color that are just beautiful. Of course, the rest of her flowers are lovely, too. She spends a lot of time and effort on her garden. Mine will never be as lush as hers, but here it is, after clean-up:


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...