Sunday, June 27, 2021

Social Doings

Did a quick load of white wash after breakfast, tidied up a bit, then walked over to Von's for cabaret sauvignon and stuff. 

Happily, it was quite a social day: David W., the ornithologist, texted to ask if he could come over and see the little birdies' nest. Sure, and I went out to meet him. The three tiny eggs of the dark-eyed junco are still there unhatched and so was Mama. I was amazed to hear that David sprinkles bird seed from his patio (he's on the second floor), to his living room carpet, which the birds follow inside. I'm not quite devoted enough for that, but when I said I had no feed, David gave me some and I sprinkled it on my patio. I hope to see some birdies up close and personal.  

Neighbor Olivia dropped in after and even sat on the sofa for a bit to talk. She has a germ phobia and still wore a mask, of course, but we had a nice chat.

Jim came at 1:00, as always, and I was pleased to see him. I had bought new place mats, which included pictures of wine, since I had told him that, for a change, I was having wine instead of beer. I offered him some, he accepted, and we both enjoyed the cabernet sauvignon. One of our topics was poetry--Jim shared with me a free verse poem he had written called "Meditation: The Sound of Silence." I didn't recite any of mine, but did two by William Butler Yeats. I then copied his poem and his essay on Maria Callas, which I'll send to my opera buff friend, Aline, in Jersey.

Jim was just about to leave when Suzanne rang the bell. She, Vickie, and Mary invited me to sit outside with them and chat. I walked Jim out, then joined the three and we had a good talk for an hour or so. Mary has dementia, Vickie cancer, and Suzanne her fibro neuralgia and sciatica--I sometimes realize how lucky I am. 

I was annoyed yesterday to see that someone had parked in my space again and certainly without asking (they wouldn't know who to ask), so I posted this sign:

The fee for parking space #51

is factored into my rent.

I allow my family and friends

to use it free; the charge for

others is $5.00 per hour.

If interested, put contact info

below. Do not park here before

getting my permission.

(Signed: Annoyed Resident)


(I don't know why the second line is bigger.) Anyway, Suzanne and Vickie got a kick out of it. We'll see if there's any reaction to the culprit. 

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