Monday, June 21, 2021


As Sundays go, it wasn't too bad. I was amazed to see it was ten of eight when I got up, much later than my usual six to seven. Anyway, after my Sunday rituals (the crossword was enjoyable and just obscure enough), I took my cart and walked to the market. Bused part of the way back, as I often do.

Lunched, then at loose ends, I thought I'd bus to town and stroll through my usual haunts. However, Ellen called when we had just reached the transit center and, in order to hear her better, I got off.  After we hung up, I saw that the 10 was just about to leave, which made me jettison my earlier (kind of half-hearted, anyway) plan; I hopped on, and went home.

That's one of the benefits of bus travel--at least in my circumstances. I can just arbitrarily decide to change plans on the spur of the moment. I don't have to worry about getting back to a car and, since the bus is free, I can just switch when I feel like it. 

That was one of our topics of conversation when I called Jim after dinner.  Like virtually everyone else I know, he'd rather hang by his thumbs than ride the bus, although his car is still on the fritz (another expression from my parents' era). His mechanic told him it's the distributor cap and will cost four hundred smackers (one more!) to fix. Guy is a free lance and his wife makes the appointments. She was supposed to call him to set it up on Saturday, but didn't, and he "didn't want to disturb her" yesterday. Anyway, the city bus (free for him, as for me) is out, but he was interested when I told him about the Access Van, which costs three bucks, but is door-to-door. He asked me to send him the web site and I did.

I PMed Vera for confirmation that the Soaring Spirits group meets for dinner tonight. It does--at Stonefire, I'm glad to say, and I'll be there--YAY!   

I was married sixty-three years ago today.


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