Sunday, June 20, 2021


Kind of a bummer of a day. Jim called to say the mechanic hadn't come yet and he thought we'd have to  skip our lunch date. He was very distressed about the car; I hope it's something fairly simple and  inexpensive, but considering it's an old car, that seem unlikely. Anyway, I suggested maybe today instead, but he seemed to think that was unlikely. 

Tomorrow, I have the Soaring Spirits dinner and I don't want to have lunch and dinner dates on the same day. I go to Ojai and Ellen's on Tuesday, so that's out, too. I thought I'd see if Nancy and Carolyn would meet for lunch on Wednesday, as they both live in or near Ojai. However, in light of their COVID paranoia, that's iffy. So-o-o, maybe I'll arrange something with Jim for then. Otherwise, it'll have to wait until Friday or later, as I'll probably stay for lunch with El and Greg on Thursday. 

I cored three pounds of Granny Smith apples, with which I made applesauce in the slow cooker. After that, I didn't do much--certainly, nothing productive--until I bused to Wal-Mart. Got Tyson's diced chicken there, which I like in my salads. 

Home about 4:30, after a nuthin' much going on day. As I was about to sit down to dinner (a vegan one), the doorbell rang. There were two college kids selling magazines to be donated to children's schools--or something. However, the least expensive "plan" was fifty-nine bucks, so I said no. However, I enjoyed talking to them. Both 19, they go to Arizona State and, I guess, are working their way through. I liked them--nice kids, but it pointed up how much I miss so much of my family. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...