Friday, June 04, 2021

Smoke And Lotusland

Friday morning: AAGH!--the smoke alarm went off at 2:00 AM!  It beeped (loud enough to be hard in Jersey) about three times, with a few minutes in between. Hey, this blog is good for something, I guess: I looked it up and it happened before in January. Tory came over and put a new battery in, and I was told if it happened again, they'd replace it. I'll call the office when I get back from T.O.P.S. 

Thursday: I hadn't been to the park over the footbridge for quite a while, so I decided I'd go before Jim got here. In my cart, I put ten DVDs, which I knew I never wanted to see again, and five books I knew I never wanted to read again. Opening the gate, I let a carpet company truck in, then started walking down Telegraph Road...

...until I realized I should have been going down Hill Street. I turned around and retraced my steps, then started down Hill. I wasn't upset over the extra walk, but was a little concerned that I had absent-mindedly gone in the wrong direction. In light of my siblings' dementia. that kind of thing is disconcerting.

Added my items to the Little Library and picked up two books (to add to those unread I already have!) and stopped on my walk home to call Noreen. I just wanted to say hello and we chatted for a bit. 

Jim got here at his usual 1:00. He admired my garden, such as it is, then we sat down. We spent quite some time discussing Ganna Walska. Who? She's the woman who started Lotusland, the botanic gardens, formerly her estate in Montecito, which is sorta, kinda in Santa Barbara.*(My niece, Carolyn, has just gotten a contract to be its grant writer.)

I won't be rushing to Lotusland very soon, as it costs $50 to enter and for that kind of money, I want lunch. The reason Jim was interested is because he's an opera devotee and Ms. Walsea had been an opera singer.  She was married five times, three of those to wealthy men, and lived to be 96. 

*Montecito (Spanish for "little mount") is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Santa Barbara County, California, located east of the City of Santa Barbara.[5][6] 

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