Sunday, June 06, 2021


 I walked to Wal-Mart about 10:00. Got the potting soil I wanted, along with parmesan cheese and the frozen diced chicken breast (unadorned) I like for my salad. Got on the bus to go home, but skipped my stop to ride to Ashwood Avenue and Trinity Lutheran, as I had decided I needed more succulents. After lunch, I potted them in my new container. They look good, but I'm afraid my garden is now lopsided. The geraniums have gotten so large (and they're gorgeous) that the big container of succulents I already had are being hidden. At the same time, the other side is sparse, even with the new container, which is much smaller. I want to switch them, but haven't figured out to do it safely. Hmm...

It turned out to be a gorgeous day: sunny and warm, but with a cool breeze. I went over to Von's for this and that and saw people in the pool. There was also a party going on in the center area. A big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" sign was hung on the pavilion and there were probably thirty people there, talking and laughing. Food and drink were laid out on tables and children were running around. It was so good to see people having a good time together--and not a mask in sight! 

Didn't do much else but putz around. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...