Saturday, June 12, 2021


Lora was going to pick me up for T.O.P.S., but she suddenly decided to go to The Grand Old Opry in Nashville for her birthday instead. (She's a travel agent, so can do things like that.) Bobbi picked me up instead, and good thing--we were the only two who showed up. My numbers were: home, down .06 to 129.2; T.O.P.S. down .05 to 130.2. Happily, we stayed only long enough to get weighed, then split.

After breakfast, I walked to The Market to refresh my supplies. Bused home, had lunch, and took off for town. I had The Talented Mr. Ripley DVD on hold at the library, so picked that up, then stayed and read a bit. I asked the person on the desk if the library was still--again, that is--having lectures and presentations in the gathering room. I want to get back in the game with my Dionne Quintuplet address, but he wasn't sure. He gave me the email of a person to contact. I was interested to see on the "new books" shelf, there was a bio of the Dane, Soren Kierkegaard, called Philosopher of the Heart. Must mention that to Jim when he's here for lunch today. 

I called Sharon, since she hasn't been a T.O.P.S for two weeks. Unfortunately, since her fall in the bathtub last month, she's had major problems getting around and with flare-ups of arthritis. She sees the doctor again on Wednesday.

After that, Ellen called and we had a good long talk. She'll be finished at school after Monday (her third-graders had their last day yesterday) and what with doing report cards, her car problems, and graduation dinners (Greg's nephew, from UCSB), it's been a hectic week. She said she'll call me and we'll get together soon.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...