Thursday, June 17, 2021


Walked to The Market in the morning for spaghetti squash, blueberries, and lettuce, plus some greeting cards. Home,  I prepared the squash and stowed it in the fridge for dinner, then did a few other chores.

After lunch, I bused to town, as per usual. I was looking for pajama bottoms, found what I wanted, and bought them. I just barely missed the bus--I was on the other side of the street from it and the walk signal refused to display--so sat grumpily on the bench. Looked at my bus app and, damn, the next 6 wasn't due for another twenty minutes.

I had resigned myself to waiting when a white mini-van pulled up in front of me. The woman driving said she had noticed how I had just missed the bus and could she drive me somewhere? She lives near where I was, but said she didn't need to be somewhere until 5:00. Well, sure, I guess--and I accepted her offer.

It turns out that she had retired as an administrator at Balboa School, which is right behind where I live. She was called back temporarily to run the COVID program--not to give the shots, but as administrator to head up the arrangements, completion, and so on, of testing and vaccination for employees. I always gravitate to people in education, no  matter the level, and I liked her a lot. Her name is Nancy Stratton; I gave her my card and asked her to give me a call anytime.

As I approached my patio, I saw Suzanne; she invited me in and we caught up with each other. She's now getting PT for her sciatica, which I hope will help. When I got home, I called Vickie to see how her session with the doctor went. Yes, it is stage 4, but happily, is within the perimeters AND is the same type of cancer she's had, which is treatable. She'll start radiation on the 24th.  

Lunch with El today--YAY!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...