Saturday, June 05, 2021

Great News!

Fabulous, wonderful, thrilling news: THE LIBRARY IS OPEN! I went to take a book back and was amazed to see the door on the street open. In fear and trembling, I entered and there was the whole library spread out before me! I walked around all the sections, chatted with the librarians, and just generally marveled at how good it felt to be back inside the place.  

At home and at T.O.P.S., a teeny-weeny loss of .02, to 129.08 and 130 even, respectively. Bobbi picked me up and, besides us, Lennie, Lora, and Lolly (I love alliteration!) were there. A discussion ensued--not much about weight, it was more like a therapy session--oddly, I wasn't at all annoyed or impatient, unlike last week, when Sharon held forth at such length. The difference, of course, that we had a conversation about things to which we could all relate, such as dealing with ill  husbands and other family matters. Last week, Sharon just talked and talked about things that happened years ago, and had no impact on anyone but her. Lora offered to pick me up next time if I decide to continue; I said I'd let her know.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, another negative about going to T.O.P.S. I first called the office to tell them about the smoke alarm, then called Betty and we had some Facetime. After that, I called Jeanne Dollard P. and we talked for about a half hour. I like to hear from her, except for her tiresome insistence on telling me how rich and successful all her children and siblings are, not to mention John, her paramour.  She's done this every single time I've talk to her; I realize it points up her feelings of inadequacy, but it's a bore. 

Anyhoo--I had picked up some free succulents and decided to put them in a long planter. I went outside the patio gate, as I knew I had stowed one there. However, I decided it was too big, but what I found next to it, tucked in a corner was this:

Somehow, it filled me with delight to see it.

Bused to town after lunch to look for a better planter.  Found a nice metal one at The Coalition, my favorite thrift store, and took it home. Today, I plan to go to Wal-Mart for potting soil, then plant the succulents. 

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