Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Tuesday In Town

And in the garden again. This time, I planted the hydrangea, trimmed two of the succulents, and did a few other horticultural chores. That sounds simple, but it wasn't. Had to re-sweep and otherwise clean up again, but it looks pretty good.

Before that, I took care of what seems to be my Tuesday chore: washing the linens and remaking the bed. I like to get these in the washer before breakfast and in the dryer while I'm eating. Just want to get it over with. 

Called Betty and we talked in our usual coo-coo fashion. I was feeling pretty low yesterday and just wanted to hear her voice. 

Did some food prep in scrubbing and seasoning carrots; roasted them for dinner and yum. Also yum was the salmon I roasted with them. Had yams, too, although I didn't like to include two root vegetables in a meal. Added broccoli, so at least something was green.

After lunch, I bused into town and strolled here and there, in and out of my usual shops.  I bought four more DVDs at thrift stores to add to the humongous number I already have. Home, I sent a "glad it's over" text to neighbor, Vickie, re her lumpectomy. She wrote back that, luckily, the daughter of her partner, Demented Mary, has come to help.

Finished watching Sleepy Hollow (what was Johnny Depp thinking?) and started Se7en. with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...