Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 I walked to the Little Lending Library (it doesn't have to be in caps, but I think of it that way) about 10:00. Left off a book and picked one up. It was very warm, 80 or so, but there was a nice breeze and no humidity. 

After lunch, Ellen called and we had a good, long chat. School's over for the season, so she's a free woman--YAY! She's getting her teeth cleaned tomorrow and her dentist is right down the street from me. Did I want to go to lunch first? Well, whaddya think? She'll stop for me at noon.

I bused to town and by the time I got there, it was after 3:30, but that was okay. Took my usual stroll down Main and stopped in my usual haunts. I was flabbergasted by the fact that only a handful of others were unmasked. The governor has proclaimed that, as of yesterday, said masks are no longer needed, for cryin' out loud, so what gives? Reminded me of the old saying "how we cling to the very chains that bind us." Of course, they're still required on the bus, although I'm not sure why. I'll go over to Von's for lettuce this morning, so will check that out. 

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