Tuesday, June 08, 2021

One Of Those Days...

 ...when everything seemed to go wrong. 

Exhibit 1: I paid Mastercard my total--$566.17--for the month (I never carry a balance and rarely use cash) on the fifth and they charged me a $25.00 late fee because it was due on the fourth! I called them, screaming at the top of my lungs, and was told they had no grace period. However, after I told them I would drop them and go to Discover, they agreed to rescind it.

Exhibit 2: Dr. Babbitt's office called to say the doc had had surgery and my appointment (for today) would have to be postponed. Now I won't get this started until June 30. In a way, good, but in another way, not so much.

Exhibit 3: I was thrilled to see on Facebook that Soaring Spirits, our widow and widower group would again meet "tomorrow." I saw this on Monday, so of course, assumed today was meant. Since my dental appointment was postponed, that meant I could go. But I couldn't: our leader had put it on Facebook late Sunday night and I didn't see it until the next morning, so I missed it. I was so disappointed.

Exhibit 4: I got the bubble gum for my granddaughters all nicely packed in two pretty sparkly containers and found a box that fit in perfectly. Padded it, wrapped, addressed and took it to the post office. The postage was--I actually am embarrassed to write it here, but it was unbelievable. I just didn't feel like taking it home, undoing it, and re-packaging; now I could kick myself.

Exhibit 5: I woke in the middle of the night for the usual and just could not get back to sleep. That took hours and when I finally did, I had a bad dream I could easily see was related to some of the crapola listing above.

Exhibit 6: About 4:30, considerably earlier than usual, I bused to town. Walked down Main, but didn't stop anywhere. I felt lonely and sad and just generally down, brooding over this and that.  

BUT: SS leader Vera invited me to lunch on Thursday--we'll meet at the Rincon and I'm looking forward to it. 

AND: I called Jim and burdened him with my problems and he's coming to lunch today.

PLUS: I feel more cheerful this morning. 

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