Tuesday, June 15, 2021


I've been sleeping better, I'm happy to record--hope it continues. In the morning, I went over to Von's for romaine, then did some food prep. With my trusty Chop Wizard, I chopped the eight onions and stowed the results in the freezer, as I like to do. Cooked spinach and reserved some for dinner last night and tonight; marinated some tilapia for the same.

After lunch, I walked over the foot bridge to the Hill Street branch of the library. It was so good to be able to go in, browse the books, and so on. I actually sat down to read for a half hour or so--Murder Thy Neighbor, by James Patterson.  Interestingly, this isn't one of his pot-boiler crime novels, but is about an actual murder in Pittsburgh. Anyway, I took it out. I've been meaning to continue the opera singer's bio, but frankly, I'm rapidly losing interest in that; think I'll just give it back to Jim. Also took out The Nest, a DVD with Jude Law. I never even heard of it, but it looked fairly interesting.*

Left there and bused to the mall and Target. Why? Simply because it was too early to go home. I usually try to stay out until at least 4:30 or so, if I don't have something engaging to do. I just strolled around the store, then bused back.

Betty called at 6:00. For a minute or two, she sounded so much like her old self, I tried to pretend all that Alzheimer's nonsense was over with. I couldn't sustain it, though. Her helper, Elizabeth (whom daughter Carolyn got for her), was there and I was glad to talk to her, too. 

 Note to myself: Lee Burnett recommended this guy on YouTube. I saw some of what he has to offer and it seems intriguing. I want to remember this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGRNUw559SE&list=PLrAXtmErZgOdP_8GztsuKi9nrraNbKKp4

*It isn't. I watched for an hour and it's a snooze fest. Guess I'll continue until the bitter end, but I'm wondering when something will actually happen.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...