Saturday, October 19, 2019

T.O.P.S. And The Townehomes

Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. at the usual 8:25. I was up in weight a smidgen to 130.6,  but just a negligible six-tenths of a pound from last week. Carolyn did the so-called "program," bringing in one of those edited-for-idiots supermarket mags and three of us read something or other.
Home and late breakfast, as always on Fridays. I went through some of the things from my car; some I'll give away, others I'll keep if I can find a place for them.
Was on the phone with AAA to be sure they took me off the insurance and with one of my VISA cards to tell them to credit me with my "rewards" of $19.59. I'm dropping that card, as I have several others.
Walked to VON'S for lettuce and stuff, came home, had lunch, walked to the post office to drop off Halloween cards for the kids, then walked to The Townehouse independent living facility.  I still want to see if Jim and I can attend the music/wine affairs on Fridays, so I sat in. Had a glass of the white (mediocre) and cheese and crackers. Anne, the activities director, was out until Tuesday, but I talked to her assistant, Rachel. Gave her my card and mentioned that I taught acting to older people; she was interested and I think I'll mention it to Anne when I call her. I know Joe LaRocca, who lives there, but he wasn't at the musicale.
Left when it finished at 5:00 and walked to the transit center. Took a bus to the 99-Cent store for a few items, then another back home. Got in before 7:00, but was dismayed that it was already dusk--I'm not looking forward to the end of DST.
I looked it up and, all together, my walking totaled a bit more than three miles. I was pleased with that and consider it another benefit of selling the car.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...