Tuesday, October 01, 2019


When I went to make my regular tomato/onion bake after breakfast, I found to my dismay that some of the tomatoes had mold on them. I buy this in a two-pound package, so didn't choose them individually. Took it back to the store and, although I didn't have the receipt, was cheerfully given a replacement. I had chopped the onions on Sunday, so it didn't take long to chunk the tomatoes, add the oil, vinegar, and spices, and pop it in the oven.
While it baked, I turned to my play, Acquisitions, which I've been working on sporadically for some time. There are a few problems I need to resolve and I may just start over--we'll see. Also, at least a year ago, I wrote a little piece about my Aunt Maggie, meaning to submit it to Reminisce magazine  I kept forgetting about it until yesterday, when I finally did. We'll see what happens.
After lunch, I hopped  a bus to Oxnard, planning to stop into Whole Foods and harass Greg, but once again, he wasn't working. However, I stopped at Target for my daily supply of blueberries, as I'll be in Santa Barbara today.
Home and made yummy salmon in the oven. It takes a little longer than my usual pan frying in olive oil, but is so much better. Also had large portions of Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and the rest of the butternut squash. I usually have three times as much plant food as fish or chicken.
Jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and that was it for the day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...