Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Santa Barbara And The Bonaventure

Long day. I left, as usual, at 9:00 to board the first of three buses to Santa Barbara; got there, as usual, two and a half hours later. I was pleased to hear Carolyn would join Betty and me for lunch and she did at noon. We went to "The Farmer Boy" restaurant; I've been there before and like it. I had a so-so small salad and a delicious mug of clam chowder, plus a good IPA.
Carolyn drove us back to Betty's and, as I wanted to get the 2:20 bus back, I said goodbye then. Bus  was ten minutes late, but I got to the Ventura transit center about 3:50, then hopped a number six bus. Rushed into my apartment just to change my top, then rushed out again to get the number 10 to The Bonaventure. They were having an Open House for their new memory care facility and I thought I'd like to see it. Plus, of course, they had refreshments, and that's always a draw, too. As I was drinking a glass of lemonade, my old friend, Doris, came in. We were pleased to see each other and talked about getting together some time--we'll see.
I took the tour of the facility--very nicely done and depressing as hell--then cut out. While waiting for the bus back, I called Nancy and we had a congenial chat. Didn't get home until almost 7:00, when it was already dusk. Saw my fourth episode of Downton and  continue to love it.
Now, today, I'm going to keep my nose to the grindstone and get some household chores done--I swear I am!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...