Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fire And Peirano's

I slept well and didn't get up practically the middle of the afternoon: 7:30. Had breakfast late (9:00), then Suzanne rang my bell to tell me the Simi Valley fire is very close to the Reagan Library, where we were a few days ago. Nancy and I had already spoken and she had told me the same; Suzanne stayed for a bit to chat.
Now the fire news is even more ominous:
Carolyn B. called; she was worried about the air quality in Ventura, as we planned to sit outside at the newly-opened Peirano's. I said I'd check, I did and saw that air quality was "unhealthy" in Ventura for those with lung problems, otherwise okay. I reassured Carolyn.
Ellen then called to see if she could come over and use my printer. Hers in on the fritz (another saying from my mother) and she needed to do her students' report cards--that is, the report on the report cards. Of course, I was happy to have her come. She got the report done, then dropped me off at the transit center, where I got a bus to town. On the way, she got a phone message telling her that school is again closed today.
Got off at the library and walked to Peirano's. The wind continued extremely strong, but it was less noticeable in town, because of buildings on each side of Main Street. Carolyn and Nancy came soon after and we had a nice enough time.
However, it was one of those damn stand-at-the-counter-and-order-your-own, then-get-your-own- utensils-places, which really annoy me. I wasn't very hungry anyway, so just had sides of potato salad (unpleasantly spicy) and pesto salad (too bland) and an 805 beer. Nancy had egg salad and, although she usually has wine, also ordered a beer, as the wine was more expensive than she wanted to pay. 
Carolyn had a large deli sandwich, which looked pretty good. Anyway, it was okay, but not where I'd want to frequent.
Said goodbye--we'll see each other at lunch on Monday with Soaring Spirits--and I walked to the
library, read for a bit, then took out a book on JFK, Jr., don't ask me why, and bused home.

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