Monday, October 07, 2019

Dudley House

Well, I was moping around all morning, kicking myself for agreeing to take a turn as docent guide at Dudley House yesterday. I just knew it would be horribly hot and my outfit would be horribly uncomfortable. It consists of a long sleeved, high collared blouse, a heavy, to the floor, black broadcloth skirt, under that a long undergarment of black cotton, a black velvet button belt, and a kind of shawl. I was sure I'd be sweltering and I didn't wanna go, didn't wanna go, didn't...
But I did, of course, and guess what? It was a lot of fun.
We had a large number of visitors, including a women's club and assorted others. Richard (Senate, a local historian) and I were the downstairs docents of the day. The way it works is that one of us takes the first group through the first floor rooms, delivering a running commentary on historic and family facts. We start on the side porch, then continue through the dining room and parlor, across the hall to the front bed- and sitting room, then to the back bedroom, bath (added in 1903), kitchen, and finally, back to the front hall, and they go upstairs where another upstairs docent is waiting. In the meantime, another downstairs docent (yesterday, Richard) takes over with the next group on the porch.
Anyway, there were a number of very interested, very engaged people, and that always makes for an enjoyable docent stint. Hours are 1 to 4 and the last group had barely left at 4:00. I'm looking forward to the potluck supper on the sixteenth, too.
Anyway, it was a good day. 

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