Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Santa Barbara And Quantum Physics

Yet another good/bad, up and down day. I left for Santa Barbara at the usual time and arrived at the transit center there about 10:30--fine so far. Then I saw a number 6-11 bus with the legend "Hollister Avenue" on it. Okay, I'll take that one instead of the 3, which wasn't in sight. Got on, paid, then discovered there was a ten-minute layover, so called Betty to tell her I'd be a little late. I mentioned where it was headed and she reminded me she lives on HITCHCOCK, not Hollister! Aagh! I jumped off, again didn't see the 3 bus, so asked another 6-11 if he want to Hitchcock--well, he goes on State and stops near Hitchcock. Good enough and I took that one.
Actually, that may be a better one, anyway. It goes right down State, doesn't meander around like the  3 and, although it doesn't drop me right at Betty's door like the 3, it does a few streets away and it's good for me to walk.
We did have a good day. Went to Islands for lunch, then back to Betty's and played Sorry! which we both enjoyed. I greatly dislike complicated "strategy" games (always hated Monopoly) and this is a kid's game; my children played it when they were in first or second grade. Anyway, I wanted to get the 4:47 bus back to Ventura, so left at 4:00 to take the SB bus there. It didn't come and didn't come and when it finally did, we didn't get to the transit center until 5:00. Damn, I thought, that means I have to wait an hour for the next one. But no--at that time of day, there's a 5:00, as well as the earlier one. I got on and my mood was elevated greatly.
Good thing, after reading what Diane emailed me. Oh, hell, I might as well add it below.  We've had some "discussions" about her beliefs and she can't let it alone. I sent her a piece on quantum physics and this is what she responded. It's almost incomprehensible and I can't even begin to address what she wrote--or even fathom what she's saying. I wrote her back something to that effect. I'll see her at Happy Hour at 4:00 today and fervently hope she just lets this lie. BTW, I'm not sure if she means "quantum mechanics" (or something) or "QM" is a typofor "QP."

Well Rosemary it's not only QM.... you also keep asking me to prove things in the social and biological sciences that I have already told you to google: systems theory, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, neurocardiology, placebo effect- old name spontaneous remission, mind over matter- (see IONS Institute for Noetic Science compiled over 3000 cases). Everything and everyone is connected according to QM and yes it also makes supernatural/ paranormal/abilities beyond the 5 senses clincally testable- what classical physics could not do and had to relegate to religion....and of course you will have a problem with this as many secular materialists do because it infers that Consciousness and not matter is the foundation of Reality....Right from the start. Max Plank, the Father of QM, Nobel prize winner 1918 said: 'All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle (now called string) of an atom to vibrate and holds this minute solar system together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a Conscious Intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter'.'  In physics this is called the 'Observer Effect' and the Double Split experiment demonstrates that if a wave is not observed by some consciousness ie the experimenter in this case, it will not turn into a particle/matter. QM also overturned at the subatomic level the theory that 'nothing travels faster than the speed of light', with the Entanglement experiments which even Einstein fought against... nothing is traveling, it's all connected.....  So if everything is 99.9999% empty space=consciousness+matter/ changed energy that can neither be created or destroyed, so are we immortal? ....the ancient Hindus, Chinese Buddhists thought so, they based their cosmology on this and thus in agreement with QM: Intelligent Mind-Consciousness-Energy-Matter but also called matter an illusion/maya, what some scientists call a holographic universe, only relatively real. The also built their health systems around this... the acupuncturist you went to was working on your invisible energetic body, freeing the flow of blocked energy, your friend Nancy had a NearDeathExperience where her energetic body separated from her physical body, once shrouded in secrecy these NDE events are pretty common and numerous books available, or google IANDS International Assn of Near Death Studies, so info of this invisible, non material 'stuff' is closer to you than you think and of course you are using the invisible vibrations in your microwave and cell phone etc daily...Ok, it's your turn now.... I won't ask you to prove their isn't a God or Consciousness as the Reality principle, here is an easier one, I say the Brain is a product of Consciousness, prove to me consciousness is a product of the brain...…..I probably should have written this sooner because resentment  was building up and last week was the last straw of feeling put on the mother did that to me, even saying things that if I believed what I believed that I was no daughter of hers-I must have really scared her with my beliefs that challenged her world I must be triggering something in you too... 


iloveac said...

Phew! Too much to read. I understand folks asking these questions, but I'm not all that interested in it. Ask her if she believes in a 'soul'. Does she consider herself a dualist (body and soul) or a physicalist ( body only)?
That's the question that interests me. Yale has online learning courses and I like the one with Professor Shelly Kagan who does a good job presenting both sides. The courses are open to the public.

Quantum Physics...I've heard of it....not really interested.
QM...what the heck is that? The P key is not located next to the M key so she may be into something else. She certainly is a thinker and that's OK...I hope she has some fun in life and can laugh at things. Whatever. What's wrong with asking her to prove her theories (that's all they are)? I don't think she's triggering anything in you. You know who you are and you can listen to various viewpoints....just because she can't explain what she's parroted or read somewhere tells me she is threatened if someone doesn't buy her views. They are views...not facts.

Mimi said...

And then this came today:
After discussing the situation with my sister who is in town, I am sorry but there just doesn't seem to be a friendship match between RM and me so I won't be attending HH today or in the future, Diane

Her loss, I'm afraid.

iloveac said...

Whoa....her loss? A bit or alot of ego coming through with that message. She isn't comfortable when another thinking person questions her views.

Mimi said...

Pat, I wasn't referring just to myself when I wrote "her loss." She's also jettisoning Nancy and Carolyn. The four of us have met for Happy Hour for almost a year now.

Ellen said...

QM might refer to Quantum Mechanics (same thing as far as I know). By the way, Diane's views sound very close to mine. But I don't enough details to explain it to people, and it's very hard to prove that sort of thing to a hardened skeptic.

Ellen said...

Sorry, I don't have enough details to explain it to people.


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...