Friday, October 11, 2019

Happy Hour And CeCe

As it turned out, the electricity didn't go off so far, but it still might.
I had set the alarm for 5:00, but awoke at 4:15 and stayed up. As promised, I was outside Suzanne's door at ten of six and drove her to the shuttle with no problem.
After breakfast, I went out for paper products and other items. I got a nice pound of salmon and two of tilapia at Ralph's, and bought a blu-ray DVD at Wal-Mart. Lunched, showered, then left at 2:15 to meet Nancy and Carolyn at the Black Angus for Happy Hour at 3:00.
BUT--I just thought it was 2:15, it was actually 1:15 and wouldn't you know, both buses came almost as soon as I arrived at their stops, so I would have been at the Black Angus an hour and a half early--damn! So instead of getting off there, I rode to a  nearby shopping center and poked  around Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and a few other places. Walked back to the Black Angus and got there just at 3:00.
We had a good one, as usual. Since Diane left us, so to speak, Carolyn has seemed much more open and animated. I don't think Diane intimidated her, I think Carolyn is just more at ease with fewer people.
Anyway, we stayed until almost 5:00, at which point we said goodbye. I took the bus to town and picked up a book I had requested at the library, then just walked a bit and bused home.
Earlier, as I was walking to the bus stop, CeCe, from Poinsettia Toastmasters, called. She's the chapter president and is another who takes it very, very seriously. She said she was preparing a monodrama and someone else in the club suggested she get coaching, so she asked meet with her over the weekend to direct. I agreed and told her to send me the piece.

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