The usual pleasant Sunday morning routine: Kimball, breakfast, newspaper, crossword. Did a few minor chores, then went to Office Max for ink. I needed yellow and was pleased to see they were having a sale on Canon yellow, number 221. Bought it and wouldn't you know, I can't use it; need 226. I'll exchange it today.
Bought two sunglasses and some grapes at different stores, then packed my lunch and took off for Ellen's. She was vacuuming the lawn in the side yard (Astro turf), but took a break for lunch and we stayed outside to eat. She then resumed her work, which included pruning the bougainvillea and the lovely big shade tree that she believes is blocking her little apple tree's allotment of sunshine. That is now bursting out with blossoms, though, and looks very healthy.
It was so enjoyable to sit there and just watch her work (ha!). I did pick up a broom and sweep the paving a bit, but didn't exert myself. I cut loquats off her tree at her request, some for me and some for her to take to work for the other teachers. Finished for a time, El sat down with me and we had a good daughter/mother talk about this and that, including religion, then I took off.
Drove to town and considered skipping the afternoon walk, as it was 5:00 when I got there. However, I opted to do it and was smugly pleased with myself. (If I were somebody else, I'd find me insufferable.) It was almost 6:00 when I got home and I just heated up some leftover stir-fry and broccoli, which was all I wanted.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Lunch At Yolanda's
Walked Kimball, had breakfast, puttered around with this and that, then Suzanne rang my bell. She had just gotten home from a seminar for St. John's faculty in Santa Barbara and had also visited with her cousin in Santa Maria. We had a good talk about family and other topics; as I do, she has a large range of ages in cousindom. When I was born, I had a cousin who was 25 and I now have others that are considerably younger than I am. These are all first cousins; I doubt if I could even count second and third. Anyway, it's always good to talk to her.
Met Nancy at Yolanda's at 1:00 and, as ever, we had a great time together. She's leaving Tuesday and will be gone for the entire month of May--darn, I'll miss her. I gave her the wine card from The Cave, along with a bon voyage card and will look forward to one of our jaunts.
Unfortunately, the food wasn't very good. We both got Carnitas ("little meat") with tortillas to wrap it in, but the pork was overcooked--it had probably been in the pot for hours--and we both complained. We were then given new platters, which we asked to have wrapped to go. Of course, I told the waiter, who spoke almost no English, we didn't intend to pay for it, and he agreed. However, when he bought out checks (we always go Dutch), he had charged me $53.81! Of course, he took it back and changed it, but what an annoyance. I gave my portion to Nancy, as I don't eat red meat as a rule and I'm no fan of Mexican food in the first place.
Nance and I parted and I drove directly to town for museum to library. Stayed to read for a bit, then called El from the car. She was talking to somebody, so called me back when I got home. We had a long, enjoyable chat about solar panels, which she's considering, then she invited me over today. I'll bring my lunch and see if the lock for her house I made will work. She also invited me to the Cinco de Mayo celebration next Friday, at Briggs School near hers--her third-graders will perform. I was delighted to accept, for one thing because I like to be with her, but for another, I can wear my fiesta skirt there.
Met Nancy at Yolanda's at 1:00 and, as ever, we had a great time together. She's leaving Tuesday and will be gone for the entire month of May--darn, I'll miss her. I gave her the wine card from The Cave, along with a bon voyage card and will look forward to one of our jaunts.
Unfortunately, the food wasn't very good. We both got Carnitas ("little meat") with tortillas to wrap it in, but the pork was overcooked--it had probably been in the pot for hours--and we both complained. We were then given new platters, which we asked to have wrapped to go. Of course, I told the waiter, who spoke almost no English, we didn't intend to pay for it, and he agreed. However, when he bought out checks (we always go Dutch), he had charged me $53.81! Of course, he took it back and changed it, but what an annoyance. I gave my portion to Nancy, as I don't eat red meat as a rule and I'm no fan of Mexican food in the first place.
Nance and I parted and I drove directly to town for museum to library. Stayed to read for a bit, then called El from the car. She was talking to somebody, so called me back when I got home. We had a long, enjoyable chat about solar panels, which she's considering, then she invited me over today. I'll bring my lunch and see if the lock for her house I made will work. She also invited me to the Cinco de Mayo celebration next Friday, at Briggs School near hers--her third-graders will perform. I was delighted to accept, for one thing because I like to be with her, but for another, I can wear my fiesta skirt there.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
T.O.P.S. and Stuff
T.O.P.S. after Kimball and I lost some. It wasn't significant, but I had been 128.1 last week and weighed in at 127.7 yesterday. One of these nerdy math people could figure out how much, but since I take off my shoes to count over ten, I'll just be happy with it. The meeting was the usual messy bore, with all kinds of interruptions for topics completely divorced from weight loss. However, I know this is the way it will be and I try not to be too much of a bitchy complainer.
They were setting up for a flea market where we meet for T.O.P.S. at Trinity Lutheran and I bought a pretty, kind of double vase. Needed it like a hole in the head, but at least, that's all I bought. Speaking of buying, I bought myself two light jackets at the Arc thrift store, for a total cost of $11.74. I'm now gathering up a lot of items--mostly non-clothing--to donate.
Went to The Cave and got Nancy a pre-paid wine card. It's annoying that they charge five dollars over for it. You get it rescinded if you buy fifty dollars worth, but only if you spend that much in one visit. Ripoff, but Nance and I both love the place, so I got it.
Spent a lot of time prepping veggies: I chopped green peppers and onions, plus cucumbers, then sliced mushrooms and a few other things.
Deviated from my usual route in town, but I know covered at least as much ground, if not more. Drove home, then walked over to Vons for coffee and ground turkey. Combined the latter with the onions, peppers, and mushrooms, stir-fried, and it was yummy.
Betty called to say she still hadn't heard anything about her court case. She had been at a fund-raiser for a local family--not sure if it was at St. James or elsewhere.
Damn, I looked at my e-mail when I got home and found the docent training today has been cancelled. I'm disappointed, but according to the one who was to give it, there was either a conflict with other obligations or a lack of interest. I was looking forward to it, as I'm on as docent next Sunday, May sixth.
They were setting up for a flea market where we meet for T.O.P.S. at Trinity Lutheran and I bought a pretty, kind of double vase. Needed it like a hole in the head, but at least, that's all I bought. Speaking of buying, I bought myself two light jackets at the Arc thrift store, for a total cost of $11.74. I'm now gathering up a lot of items--mostly non-clothing--to donate.
Went to The Cave and got Nancy a pre-paid wine card. It's annoying that they charge five dollars over for it. You get it rescinded if you buy fifty dollars worth, but only if you spend that much in one visit. Ripoff, but Nance and I both love the place, so I got it.
Spent a lot of time prepping veggies: I chopped green peppers and onions, plus cucumbers, then sliced mushrooms and a few other things.
Deviated from my usual route in town, but I know covered at least as much ground, if not more. Drove home, then walked over to Vons for coffee and ground turkey. Combined the latter with the onions, peppers, and mushrooms, stir-fried, and it was yummy.
Betty called to say she still hadn't heard anything about her court case. She had been at a fund-raiser for a local family--not sure if it was at St. James or elsewhere.
Damn, I looked at my e-mail when I got home and found the docent training today has been cancelled. I'm disappointed, but according to the one who was to give it, there was either a conflict with other obligations or a lack of interest. I was looking forward to it, as I'm on as docent next Sunday, May sixth.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Mulling Over My Shortcomings
I sometimes wonder if I've become indifferent to human suffering. I was upset over forgetting Cece's chimes, so went to Dudley House at 6:00 am, before my walk. Incredibly, I couldn't get the door open. What the--! I decided to go around back to see if there was another entrance to the downstairs. I took the path in back and was stunned to see a--I think a woman--sitting in a small alcove along the path. I was no more than two feet away from her. She was blinking her eyes as if she had just awakened. At almost the same time, I saw the back entrance, in a stairwell down a steep flight of steps. Also simultaneously, I realized it was very early and there was no one around. Even if there had been, Dudley House is on a corner and set back from the street. If the person next to me was aggressive, I thought (and maybe it's not a woman, I wasn't positive), I would have little chance of getting away without harm, and I was certainly not going to venture into that stairwell. All this passed though my mind in a second; to quote Eliot, "in short, I was afraid." I quickly rounded the house, got to my car in the parking area, and drove away. I went back after my walk, bringing a can of W-4, which I thought might make the key work, but it didn't. With some trepidation, I went to the back--the person was gone--and was able to get in the door in the stairwell. I found Cece's chimes in the stairwell, and that was that.
Only it wasn't. I can't help thinking about the person looking at me. Why didn't I try to help or, at least, acknowledge her? Later, when I walked in town, an old woman on a walker had some DVDs and asked me to buy one for a dollar. I said no and walked on, but once I had gone a half block, I turned around and caught up with her. I didn't take the DVD, but gave her a dollar. Guilty conscience? Oh, yes, absolutely.
Aside from that angst, I stripped the bed, remade, and washed the sheets; went to Sprouts for beets and onions; and bought plastic wrap. Home, I cut up and roasted the beets, along with the stems; I'll saute the greens today. Also sliced tomatoes and onions, seasoned them, and roasted them as I did the beets.
After dinner, I went to The Cave, hoping to get a bottle of the champagne in a bottle with sparkles on it as a going away gift for Nancy, whom I'm meeting for lunch tomorrow. Darn, they had only a small, chintzy one and too-large, too expensive one. I think I'll get her a prepaid gift card from The Cave, instead.
Talked to Cece and she invited me to join her at The Wicked Brew on Wednesday evening for a glass of wine and "getting to know you" session. She said a harpist will be playing. This is where I one of my acting students, T.J., had appeared with guitar and song, and I had visited. I accepted, as it should be fun and is something new, which I always enjoy.
Only it wasn't. I can't help thinking about the person looking at me. Why didn't I try to help or, at least, acknowledge her? Later, when I walked in town, an old woman on a walker had some DVDs and asked me to buy one for a dollar. I said no and walked on, but once I had gone a half block, I turned around and caught up with her. I didn't take the DVD, but gave her a dollar. Guilty conscience? Oh, yes, absolutely.
Aside from that angst, I stripped the bed, remade, and washed the sheets; went to Sprouts for beets and onions; and bought plastic wrap. Home, I cut up and roasted the beets, along with the stems; I'll saute the greens today. Also sliced tomatoes and onions, seasoned them, and roasted them as I did the beets.
After dinner, I went to The Cave, hoping to get a bottle of the champagne in a bottle with sparkles on it as a going away gift for Nancy, whom I'm meeting for lunch tomorrow. Darn, they had only a small, chintzy one and too-large, too expensive one. I think I'll get her a prepaid gift card from The Cave, instead.
Talked to Cece and she invited me to join her at The Wicked Brew on Wednesday evening for a glass of wine and "getting to know you" session. She said a harpist will be playing. This is where I one of my acting students, T.J., had appeared with guitar and song, and I had visited. I accepted, as it should be fun and is something new, which I always enjoy.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Covered Dish at Dudley
I seem to have adjusted my time to leave for Kimball, as I've been getting back about 7:30. Fine by me.
After breakfast, I looked at the supermarket ads; writing down the ones I wanted to pursue. Damn, talk about turning into your mother; this is exactly what Mom used to do every week. It's funny that spending a buck fifty less for a pound of shrimp, say (which I did at Sprouts recently), and thirty percent less for broccoli isn't going to change my lifestyle one iota. It's not going to add anything noticeable to the vast riches my children will inherit, either. Yet it just slays me to pay $2.50 for eggs, instead of getting them at Vons tomorrow, on sale for $1.49. The funny thing is, I go out every chance I get and prefer places like The Cave and Blue Agave, which are considerably more expensive than many other restaurants. It's all personal preferences, I guess.
Got both frozen and fresh fruit to make the compote I brought last night to the covered dish at Dudley House.
Nancy called and we made a date for lunch at 1:00 on Saturday; we'll go to the newly-reopened Yolanda's, which we've both been wanting to try. I have a docent meeting first, but that's over at noon.
Went to the covered dish at Dudley House and had a great time. Brought my usual mixed fruit and it was completely gone afterward. Sat with Carol, Susan, and Brad and had good talks. Susan is 68 and retired two months ago as a respiratory therapist at St. John's. She may be interested in Toastmasters and I told her to get in touch. I was asked to impersonate Caroline Dudley at August in some time of the gathering, possibly the Ventura Festival. I agreed and will get info on it shortly.
I found Cece's chimes, but unfortunately, accidentally left them there last night. I'm going to rush back to try to retrieve them now.
After breakfast, I looked at the supermarket ads; writing down the ones I wanted to pursue. Damn, talk about turning into your mother; this is exactly what Mom used to do every week. It's funny that spending a buck fifty less for a pound of shrimp, say (which I did at Sprouts recently), and thirty percent less for broccoli isn't going to change my lifestyle one iota. It's not going to add anything noticeable to the vast riches my children will inherit, either. Yet it just slays me to pay $2.50 for eggs, instead of getting them at Vons tomorrow, on sale for $1.49. The funny thing is, I go out every chance I get and prefer places like The Cave and Blue Agave, which are considerably more expensive than many other restaurants. It's all personal preferences, I guess.
Got both frozen and fresh fruit to make the compote I brought last night to the covered dish at Dudley House.
Nancy called and we made a date for lunch at 1:00 on Saturday; we'll go to the newly-reopened Yolanda's, which we've both been wanting to try. I have a docent meeting first, but that's over at noon.
Went to the covered dish at Dudley House and had a great time. Brought my usual mixed fruit and it was completely gone afterward. Sat with Carol, Susan, and Brad and had good talks. Susan is 68 and retired two months ago as a respiratory therapist at St. John's. She may be interested in Toastmasters and I told her to get in touch. I was asked to impersonate Caroline Dudley at August in some time of the gathering, possibly the Ventura Festival. I agreed and will get info on it shortly.
I found Cece's chimes, but unfortunately, accidentally left them there last night. I'm going to rush back to try to retrieve them now.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
My Finger and The Toilet
I was amazed when I got up to see (and feel) that my sore little finger was much better. The swelling was down a lot, the redness was gone, and it hardly hurt at all--great! Now, this morning, it's as good as it ever was. I must have just hit it on something and now it's healed. What's more is, my stomach feels fine--no prob there, at all. Annoyingly, I had trouble sleeping last night; hope it doesn't continue.
Walked Kimball in morning fog that lifted later. After breakfast, I started looking at some material I'll use in my "research speech" at Toastmasters. I've decided on neither Emily nor acting; I'm going to speak on the history of the toilet.
Went to Dudley House to look for Cece's bag and chimes. However, I didn't find them and I'm hoping she left them in the storage room. Jan didn't have an extra key for that, but will give it to me later. I'll be seeing her this evening, anyway, at the covered dish gathering for docents.
Called Betty, whose court case against the guy who took her money and didn't do the work, is today. She was very relieved that she doesn't have to be there.
Picked up some blueberries, tomatoes, and broccoli before lunch, then did the town walk after lunch. At the library, I ran into Diane there, dressed to the teeth and in full makeup, of course. We chatted for a bit, then I went upstairs to the children's section and picked up a "young adult" (whatever the hell that means) book called How The Toilet Changed History. Also got info on the Internet, of course.
Walked Kimball in morning fog that lifted later. After breakfast, I started looking at some material I'll use in my "research speech" at Toastmasters. I've decided on neither Emily nor acting; I'm going to speak on the history of the toilet.
Went to Dudley House to look for Cece's bag and chimes. However, I didn't find them and I'm hoping she left them in the storage room. Jan didn't have an extra key for that, but will give it to me later. I'll be seeing her this evening, anyway, at the covered dish gathering for docents.
Called Betty, whose court case against the guy who took her money and didn't do the work, is today. She was very relieved that she doesn't have to be there.
Picked up some blueberries, tomatoes, and broccoli before lunch, then did the town walk after lunch. At the library, I ran into Diane there, dressed to the teeth and in full makeup, of course. We chatted for a bit, then I went upstairs to the children's section and picked up a "young adult" (whatever the hell that means) book called How The Toilet Changed History. Also got info on the Internet, of course.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Toastmasters and Finger
Not one of my better days. It started off okay with Kimball and breakfast. I then took a load of wash to The Place and that was okay, too. However, my little finger on my right hand had started getting sore on Sunday; yesterday, it was worse. I assumed it was just arthritis, but it hurts when I bend or press on it and just below it on my hand is slightly swollen and red. I don't remember hitting it, but maybe I did.
Aside from that, my stomach is bothering me. Not sure if it's a holdover from dinner on Saturday--that's hard to believe--but I'd just as soon it was that, as I'm afraid it could be a recurrence of the ulcer. I had been told to take that ome-something, but stopped after a time because the bottle says to take it for only two weeks. I've resumed it now, so I hope that helps.
Corresponded back and forth a lot with my fellow Toastmasters and did a lot of other computer stuff. Went to Jessica Nails and got a manicure--bright red and it looks good. Drove to town after for my walk, but I just
Didn't. Do. It. For the first time in more than a year, I made a conscious decision to skip it, even though I didn't have to. I did drove to the Ventura Avenue branch. Picked up a bio of Maxwell Perkins, editor of lots of my favorites, notably Wolfe, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.
Got to Dudley House early, as usual. Jan came to give me the key and the meeting was pretty good, although only eight people attended. I was grammarian, but found no criminal uses of the language. Fern told me I have to do a "research" speech next. I'm mulling over whether to give Emily or acting the nod. Cece called after I had gotten home to say she had accidentally left something there. Since I have the key, I'll zip over today and got it.
I had decided to call the doctor if my finger was no better. However, I'm relieved that it's improved; isn't as sore and the swelling and inflammation have lessened, although some is still there. I have no idea what it could have been.
Aside from that, my stomach is bothering me. Not sure if it's a holdover from dinner on Saturday--that's hard to believe--but I'd just as soon it was that, as I'm afraid it could be a recurrence of the ulcer. I had been told to take that ome-something, but stopped after a time because the bottle says to take it for only two weeks. I've resumed it now, so I hope that helps.
Corresponded back and forth a lot with my fellow Toastmasters and did a lot of other computer stuff. Went to Jessica Nails and got a manicure--bright red and it looks good. Drove to town after for my walk, but I just
Didn't. Do. It. For the first time in more than a year, I made a conscious decision to skip it, even though I didn't have to. I did drove to the Ventura Avenue branch. Picked up a bio of Maxwell Perkins, editor of lots of my favorites, notably Wolfe, Fitzgerald, and Hemingway.
Got to Dudley House early, as usual. Jan came to give me the key and the meeting was pretty good, although only eight people attended. I was grammarian, but found no criminal uses of the language. Fern told me I have to do a "research" speech next. I'm mulling over whether to give Emily or acting the nod. Cece called after I had gotten home to say she had accidentally left something there. Since I have the key, I'll zip over today and got it.
I had decided to call the doctor if my finger was no better. However, I'm relieved that it's improved; isn't as sore and the swelling and inflammation have lessened, although some is still there. I have no idea what it could have been.
Monday, April 23, 2018
The Walks and The Pledge
I resumed my usual schedule yesterday, now that Mike is gone (sob!) and I have no happy reason not to. I actually walked Kimball early and was home by 7:30. No prob, I waited until 8:00 for breakfast, then did my favorite crossword, natch.
Spent time typing out the minutes of the boring T.O.P.S. meeting, which I covered in Bobbi's absence last time. Tidied up a bit, went to WinCo, and cut up some onions and sweet peppers. I'm feeling a little down, but not a lot and I'll get over it.
Did the town walk and stayed in the library for an hour or so. I didn't feel like any heavy reading, but am perusing a huge book--I actually had difficulty carrying it--which includes New Yorker cartoons from its first issue in 1926 to the publishing date of 2004. Fun to see in part, but I'm only about a quarter way finished and getting tired of it.
I was annoyed to see via email that Sue again put me on the Toastmaster agenda as "leading the pledge." I had sent the mail below to her last month, when she did the same.
Coincidentally, Cece, who's membership chair of Toastmasters, called me last night to ask if I'd consider running for office in the Poinsettia group. I wanted to scream, "no, no, a thousand times no!" and gnash my teeth, but I just responded gently that I'm involved in so much as it is, I really don't have the time. She's nice, though, and after we discussed my refusal to act as pledge master, she asked if I'd be grammarian tonight and I agreed.
Here's what I sent Sue yesterday:
Spent time typing out the minutes of the boring T.O.P.S. meeting, which I covered in Bobbi's absence last time. Tidied up a bit, went to WinCo, and cut up some onions and sweet peppers. I'm feeling a little down, but not a lot and I'll get over it.
Did the town walk and stayed in the library for an hour or so. I didn't feel like any heavy reading, but am perusing a huge book--I actually had difficulty carrying it--which includes New Yorker cartoons from its first issue in 1926 to the publishing date of 2004. Fun to see in part, but I'm only about a quarter way finished and getting tired of it.
I was annoyed to see via email that Sue again put me on the Toastmaster agenda as "leading the pledge." I had sent the mail below to her last month, when she did the same.
Coincidentally, Cece, who's membership chair of Toastmasters, called me last night to ask if I'd consider running for office in the Poinsettia group. I wanted to scream, "no, no, a thousand times no!" and gnash my teeth, but I just responded gently that I'm involved in so much as it is, I really don't have the time. She's nice, though, and after we discussed my refusal to act as pledge master, she asked if I'd be grammarian tonight and I agreed.
Here's what I sent Sue yesterday:
Dear Sue, I'm a little confused. Maybe I should have checked to be sure you received this when I sent it on March 20. If you didn't get it, please accept my apology. Here's what I sent you::
Please remove my name as pledge/inspiration leader on April 23rd. I am a pacifist and I can't, in good conscience, lead the pledge. I don't recite it at Toastmasters meetings--or anywhere else--nor do I put my hand over my heart. It would be hypocritical of me to pretend allegiance, symbolically or otherwise, to a flag representing a government that is presently bombing five countries. In Afganistan alone, civilian deaths total 31,000, with 29,900 wounded. Both these numbers include, of course, children.
I'll be happy to be assigned in another capacity for Toastmasters or, if you wish, simply do the inspiration part.Thank you.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
With Some of my Favorite People
For the first time in months, I skipped both the Kimball and town walks. Slept, but fitfully, until 6:15 or so, got up for coffee and computer, but not breakfast, as I figured we'd all eat together. Got back to Ellen's a little late (a bit after 8:00), but that was okay. El, Greg, Mike, and I walked to The Farmer and The Cook, less than a mile away.
Now this is one of those quintessentially California establishments--semi-vegan, totally organic, and with the obligatory Himalayan salt on the table. It's fun once in a while and I didn't care if we ate at The Greasy Spoon, since I was with some of my most favorite people in the world. The guys got something or other, but I wasn't at all hungry--I had had some problems during the night--and begged off ordering anything but coffee. I accepted a small portion of Ellen's egg burrito (a burrito for breakfast--aagh!), which was edible--barely--and greatly enjoyed being with my gang.
After, Greg went to Santa Barbara to hang another of his paintings at his mother's and El, Mike, and I went to the Krishnamurti Center up in the hills. I've been there many times before, but always enjoy it. We just walked the trails and stopped into the pavilion. On the way home, we stopped at a yard sale and I bought a pretty picture frame.
Once we got back to Ellen's, Mike had to pack up and leave for LAX, as he had booked a plane to Phoenix. We said goodbye--I'm hoping he'll come back in the summer, which is possible--and off he drove. After Arizona, he'll meet up with his other sister in New York, I'm happy to say.
El and I sat in her lovely back yard with iced tea until it got too hot. We then went to the park, where Earth Day was going on. This was mildly interesting and I was glad we had to park the car away from the park, so I got a walk in.
Left El's with hugs and "love yous" and drove home. I washed and cut the carrots I had gotten at the farm stand and put them in the smaller slow cooker, along with tangerine quarters and cinnamon. Pared and cut the golden beet and cooked that in the microwave; ate it, along with a small salad--I didn't want much.
Called Betty and we chatted. Went to Wal-Mart, took back the key I had made that didn't work, and made my own. Haven't tried it yet, but I will.
Now this is one of those quintessentially California establishments--semi-vegan, totally organic, and with the obligatory Himalayan salt on the table. It's fun once in a while and I didn't care if we ate at The Greasy Spoon, since I was with some of my most favorite people in the world. The guys got something or other, but I wasn't at all hungry--I had had some problems during the night--and begged off ordering anything but coffee. I accepted a small portion of Ellen's egg burrito (a burrito for breakfast--aagh!), which was edible--barely--and greatly enjoyed being with my gang.
After, Greg went to Santa Barbara to hang another of his paintings at his mother's and El, Mike, and I went to the Krishnamurti Center up in the hills. I've been there many times before, but always enjoy it. We just walked the trails and stopped into the pavilion. On the way home, we stopped at a yard sale and I bought a pretty picture frame.
Once we got back to Ellen's, Mike had to pack up and leave for LAX, as he had booked a plane to Phoenix. We said goodbye--I'm hoping he'll come back in the summer, which is possible--and off he drove. After Arizona, he'll meet up with his other sister in New York, I'm happy to say.
El and I sat in her lovely back yard with iced tea until it got too hot. We then went to the park, where Earth Day was going on. This was mildly interesting and I was glad we had to park the car away from the park, so I got a walk in.
Left El's with hugs and "love yous" and drove home. I washed and cut the carrots I had gotten at the farm stand and put them in the smaller slow cooker, along with tangerine quarters and cinnamon. Pared and cut the golden beet and cooked that in the microwave; ate it, along with a small salad--I didn't want much.
Called Betty and we chatted. Went to Wal-Mart, took back the key I had made that didn't work, and made my own. Haven't tried it yet, but I will.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
When I got home from Kimball, Mike texted me to say he'd be here considerably earlier than he had thought--about 10:30. That was good news, but I still had to go to T.O.P.S. I would have skipped it for once, but I had agreed to take minutes in Bobbi's absence.
I weighed in the same:128 point something (I may have gone down a fraction of a pound), so maybe that's where I should be. Some of the meeting was ok; Michelle was fill-in leader and did exactly what I had a few weeks ago: what foods trigger your over-eating most? It's funny how many people don't respond to the actual question, but to a related one: Several mentioned the time of day when they were most tempted (3 pm), but that wasn't what was asked. Anyway, I rushed out when it was over, made breakfast, and was just finishing up when Mike rang my doorbell.
What a joy to see him and I'm about to leave to see him again, so will rush through the day:
Naturally, there was lots of chatter and laughs. He looks great and brought me up to date on Vivian and Violet. There's a secret treat in July for the former pending and the latter finished her triathlon in good position. I hadn't bought anything in particular for lunch--thought we might go out--but Mike decided he'd make egg salad and that was doable. I hard-boiled eggs, he peeled and chopped them, and did the same with onions, as I had no celery. With mayo added and on Dave's Killer Bread, the sandwiches were good.
He wanted to go to a farm stand and I took him to one. He bought strawberries for Ellen and bought me what I chose: carrots, golden beets, and lemons. We then took a drive 'way up in the hills. Saw some spectacular views, plus some evidence of the fire.
He had a conference call at 3:15, so I left him alone and walked my town walk. Got home and barely had time to pick up a few things when we had to leave for El's. Got there a bit after 5:00 and were greeted by her and Greg. She showed Mike around--he likes her place a lot--then we went to Sea Fresh, a terrific restaurant. Luckily, we got there about 6:00 and though it was crowded, it wasn't nearly as bad as it got right after we arrived--jammed.
We sat outside, which I always like, as the weather was just right. Mike told us to order anything we wanted and boy, we did. I had not only swordfish and a side, but raw oysters first, plus two Chardonnays and creme brulee for dessert. Ellen (two pomegranate Margaritas) and Greg also ordered with abandon, and Mike had two lavish salads brought for us to share, in addition to his own entree. Yoicks, the bill must have been staggering, but I'll never know, as my baby boy paid for all of it. Back to El's for just a few minutes, then off to home I went, getting in about 9:15.
Must rush, as I'm due back over there at 8:00.
I weighed in the same:128 point something (I may have gone down a fraction of a pound), so maybe that's where I should be. Some of the meeting was ok; Michelle was fill-in leader and did exactly what I had a few weeks ago: what foods trigger your over-eating most? It's funny how many people don't respond to the actual question, but to a related one: Several mentioned the time of day when they were most tempted (3 pm), but that wasn't what was asked. Anyway, I rushed out when it was over, made breakfast, and was just finishing up when Mike rang my doorbell.
What a joy to see him and I'm about to leave to see him again, so will rush through the day:
Naturally, there was lots of chatter and laughs. He looks great and brought me up to date on Vivian and Violet. There's a secret treat in July for the former pending and the latter finished her triathlon in good position. I hadn't bought anything in particular for lunch--thought we might go out--but Mike decided he'd make egg salad and that was doable. I hard-boiled eggs, he peeled and chopped them, and did the same with onions, as I had no celery. With mayo added and on Dave's Killer Bread, the sandwiches were good.
He wanted to go to a farm stand and I took him to one. He bought strawberries for Ellen and bought me what I chose: carrots, golden beets, and lemons. We then took a drive 'way up in the hills. Saw some spectacular views, plus some evidence of the fire.
He had a conference call at 3:15, so I left him alone and walked my town walk. Got home and barely had time to pick up a few things when we had to leave for El's. Got there a bit after 5:00 and were greeted by her and Greg. She showed Mike around--he likes her place a lot--then we went to Sea Fresh, a terrific restaurant. Luckily, we got there about 6:00 and though it was crowded, it wasn't nearly as bad as it got right after we arrived--jammed.
We sat outside, which I always like, as the weather was just right. Mike told us to order anything we wanted and boy, we did. I had not only swordfish and a side, but raw oysters first, plus two Chardonnays and creme brulee for dessert. Ellen (two pomegranate Margaritas) and Greg also ordered with abandon, and Mike had two lavish salads brought for us to share, in addition to his own entree. Yoicks, the bill must have been staggering, but I'll never know, as my baby boy paid for all of it. Back to El's for just a few minutes, then off to home I went, getting in about 9:15.
Must rush, as I'm due back over there at 8:00.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Chores and Toastmasters
After my morning routine, I got a lot of pesky little chores done. Older son had told me I didn't need to pay for Avast ($49.99) Avira is just as good and it's free. I refused the payment to Avast and got the other. Patrick also told me there was no reason to pay Skype for anything; I, in my idiot phase, had given them $30.50 for whatever, which I'll never use. I "chatted" with them and they agreed to a refund. I then took my used magenta ink cartridge to Office Max, found I had a "rewards" program was up to eleven something, so paid only about ten bucks for a wide black ink one. To top it off, I had a gift card for Barnes & Noble (which I got for my eightieth and hadn't used yet), took it in, and found I had $18.50 left. Bought the Roz Chast book and paid only $3.65. Gawd, with all the money I saved, I could get a new hat or something. If I wore hats.
Hey, I was cookin' with gas, as we used to say. Inspired, I filled in various dates and appointments on my calendar, filed some stuff, and otherwise completed lots of crapola I should have done weeks ago. Did the museum, library, and back thing, then sped home to shower and dress for Pointsettia Toastmasters at 7:00.
This turned out to be a good session. I was Joke Master and my pun-ny funnies went over big. Also participated in a "tell or die" session (five people have to keep a preposterous story going) and otherwise had a great time.
Mike here this afternoon--yay!
Hey, I was cookin' with gas, as we used to say. Inspired, I filled in various dates and appointments on my calendar, filed some stuff, and otherwise completed lots of crapola I should have done weeks ago. Did the museum, library, and back thing, then sped home to shower and dress for Pointsettia Toastmasters at 7:00.
This turned out to be a good session. I was Joke Master and my pun-ny funnies went over big. Also participated in a "tell or die" session (five people have to keep a preposterous story going) and otherwise had a great time.
Mike here this afternoon--yay!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
The Usual
The usual in the morning, then I cleaned up a bit in here.
I was delighted to get e-mails back and forth from my two younger children and here's the plan: Mike will come here first at about 2:30. He has a conference call on his laptop at 3:00, which will take about an hour and I'll leave while he's doing that. When he's finished and I'm back, we'll go over to Ellen's in separate cars. El will show Mike her new digs, then he'll take her, Greg, and me out to dinner. I'll drive home, he'll stay over there, then I'll drive back Saturday morning. It'll be such a short trip, but I'll take what I can get in seeing my boy. Yesterday he left on the long, long non-stop flight of Singapore to San Francisco.
Otherwise: Checked my blood pressure at Wal-Mart. It was 111/66, which I guess is okay, but seems higher than usual. Went to the Hill Street Library, got gas, picked up blueberries and a few other things, had lunch, drove to town, walked, came back, and that was it.
I was delighted to get e-mails back and forth from my two younger children and here's the plan: Mike will come here first at about 2:30. He has a conference call on his laptop at 3:00, which will take about an hour and I'll leave while he's doing that. When he's finished and I'm back, we'll go over to Ellen's in separate cars. El will show Mike her new digs, then he'll take her, Greg, and me out to dinner. I'll drive home, he'll stay over there, then I'll drive back Saturday morning. It'll be such a short trip, but I'll take what I can get in seeing my boy. Yesterday he left on the long, long non-stop flight of Singapore to San Francisco.
Otherwise: Checked my blood pressure at Wal-Mart. It was 111/66, which I guess is okay, but seems higher than usual. Went to the Hill Street Library, got gas, picked up blueberries and a few other things, had lunch, drove to town, walked, came back, and that was it.
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Cleaning Day
Walking Kimball was downright chilly, but okay. Breakfast, paper, then I got down to business. Cleaned the bathroom, gathered up the area rugs, assembled my regular wash, and took all to the laundry room/building. It's good that the washers and dryers are in a small separate building. This is much more convenient than at Colony Park, where they were in some of the buildings. The problem with that is, they didn't open them until 8 am because the noise might disturb the tenants and closed at 10. Here, you can do wash anytime of the day or night.
I vacuumed the carpets, then cleaned the hard floors. I first go over them with the dust attachment of my Bona cleaning system, then spray with the solution and finish with scrubber. They do a good job and it's also good for me: I get plenty of exercise for my legs, but this works my upper body, which I need.
I finished by lunchtime, ate, then went to Ralph's and elsewhere for green peppers, mushrooms, and onions. Cut them up and chopped, to use them for dinner. Took off for town, museum to library, read for a bit and walked back.
Made stir-fry with ground turkey and the veggies I prepared earlier. Tasty, if I say it myself. Had some for dinner and have enough left over for tonight.
Sharon R,, from my T.O.P.S. group (she was also in both of my acting classes) called and said another person from my acting class was coming to her place on Tuesday--would I like to join them? Actually, no. I like Sharon, but the other person is a pain in the ass, one of those elderly bratty babies who pouts if she doesn't get a lot of attention.
Looking forward with great pleasure to Mike's arrival on Friday!
I vacuumed the carpets, then cleaned the hard floors. I first go over them with the dust attachment of my Bona cleaning system, then spray with the solution and finish with scrubber. They do a good job and it's also good for me: I get plenty of exercise for my legs, but this works my upper body, which I need.
I finished by lunchtime, ate, then went to Ralph's and elsewhere for green peppers, mushrooms, and onions. Cut them up and chopped, to use them for dinner. Took off for town, museum to library, read for a bit and walked back.
Made stir-fry with ground turkey and the veggies I prepared earlier. Tasty, if I say it myself. Had some for dinner and have enough left over for tonight.
Sharon R,, from my T.O.P.S. group (she was also in both of my acting classes) called and said another person from my acting class was coming to her place on Tuesday--would I like to join them? Actually, no. I like Sharon, but the other person is a pain in the ass, one of those elderly bratty babies who pouts if she doesn't get a lot of attention.
Looking forward with great pleasure to Mike's arrival on Friday!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Homicide And Sizzler
If I should suddenly drop out of sight, I'll probably have been incarcerated for murdering my car mechanic. However, I wouldn't be in the slammer long, as I'd be found innocent on the grounds of justifiable homicide.
Got home from walking Kimball before 8:00, had breakfast, and got to Rob's Remedies at the appointed time of 9:00. Rob was to change my air filter, which he should have done the other day, but took so damn long with other things that I didn't want to wait. This took him only a few minutes--happy day--but he then started digging under the glove compartment. I had no idea he'd do anything else and finally asked him what gives. He said the other filter for the A.C. needed to be checked and, yes, it was filthy, what with the fires, ash, and so on.
Now 1.) I didn't know he was going to do this; 2.) it took him an age to get it out and the new one in; 3.) he stopped working every once in a while to sit down with me on the bench and chat. He's a nice enough guy, but hey, I don't need my mechanic to be a pal! When I go to Pep Boys, they may charge more, but I don't have to discuss world affairs with them.
While I was waiting, I called Nancy just for something to do. She leaves on her month-long trip (east coast and a cruise) in two weeks and will be gone the whole month of May. We agreed to meet next week--I want to take her to lunch as a bon voyage present. Betty called and I called her back when I finally got home. I still had to cut up lettuce and other salad fixings for my park lunch with Diane. Did so, changed, and set off for town.
Whew, was it windy! Mission Park, where we were to meet. is a large, mainly open space, so the blast whistled through at high speed. Diane got there shortly after I did and we found a reasonably protected area. I had packed a salad and a small bottle of Chardonnay--I know it's illegal in the park, but I like to live dangerously--and enjoyed it while we talked.
Diane is into Buddhism and was going to deliver a talk last evening in her Darma(?) group. She asked if she could question me on some things that actors do to prepare for a performance. I was happy to oblige and she wrote down key points. Among other items, I told her I always formulate a back story for the character I'm playing and she was very interested in that. Walked Diane back to her place on Main Street, which is two blocks from the library, then continued on my way there. Read more of Roz Chast's book, then back to my car at the museum.
Decided to revert to my tangerine dinner for the widder dinner, so packed five of them, and went to Sizzler at 6:00. There was a nice group there, seven regulars and a new guy named Greg, only about 50, I'd say, whose wife died just two weeks ago. I gave Vera a big hug; she's just back from the Dominican Republic, where she went with her two teenage children on a church-sponsored trip to help people build something.
Got home from walking Kimball before 8:00, had breakfast, and got to Rob's Remedies at the appointed time of 9:00. Rob was to change my air filter, which he should have done the other day, but took so damn long with other things that I didn't want to wait. This took him only a few minutes--happy day--but he then started digging under the glove compartment. I had no idea he'd do anything else and finally asked him what gives. He said the other filter for the A.C. needed to be checked and, yes, it was filthy, what with the fires, ash, and so on.
Now 1.) I didn't know he was going to do this; 2.) it took him an age to get it out and the new one in; 3.) he stopped working every once in a while to sit down with me on the bench and chat. He's a nice enough guy, but hey, I don't need my mechanic to be a pal! When I go to Pep Boys, they may charge more, but I don't have to discuss world affairs with them.
While I was waiting, I called Nancy just for something to do. She leaves on her month-long trip (east coast and a cruise) in two weeks and will be gone the whole month of May. We agreed to meet next week--I want to take her to lunch as a bon voyage present. Betty called and I called her back when I finally got home. I still had to cut up lettuce and other salad fixings for my park lunch with Diane. Did so, changed, and set off for town.
Whew, was it windy! Mission Park, where we were to meet. is a large, mainly open space, so the blast whistled through at high speed. Diane got there shortly after I did and we found a reasonably protected area. I had packed a salad and a small bottle of Chardonnay--I know it's illegal in the park, but I like to live dangerously--and enjoyed it while we talked.
Diane is into Buddhism and was going to deliver a talk last evening in her Darma(?) group. She asked if she could question me on some things that actors do to prepare for a performance. I was happy to oblige and she wrote down key points. Among other items, I told her I always formulate a back story for the character I'm playing and she was very interested in that. Walked Diane back to her place on Main Street, which is two blocks from the library, then continued on my way there. Read more of Roz Chast's book, then back to my car at the museum.
Decided to revert to my tangerine dinner for the widder dinner, so packed five of them, and went to Sizzler at 6:00. There was a nice group there, seven regulars and a new guy named Greg, only about 50, I'd say, whose wife died just two weeks ago. I gave Vera a big hug; she's just back from the Dominican Republic, where she went with her two teenage children on a church-sponsored trip to help people build something.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Kimball, breakfast, crossword, then a wonderful surprise. The phone rang about 9:30 and it was my dear friend, Aline. We've been back and forth on-line and both of us have been meaning to call, but the time difference is troublesome and somehow, neither of us caught up with each other all this time. What a pleasure to talk with her again! I've made friends here, but oh, nobody who's such a kindred spirit as Aline. We talked for 57 minutes--I hadn't realized before my phone displays that--and so happily.
Poor Aline had to have a hip replacement some months ago and still has a long way to go before she can discontinue a walker. She had been in terribly pain from it and her part-time job in the library necessitated being on her feet all the time. She's a constant walker--or was--as she doesn't drive and never did. She frequently walked to the bus, went into Manahawkin and from there to Manhattan, then Brooklyn to visit her sister-in-law, niece, and her close friend, Jay. She's now into extensive P.T. and is improving slowly.
While Aline and I were talking, Betty called; I called her back after Aline and I had ended our talk. Betty was having lunch with Mookie and Helen, both of whom said they missed me. I'm not sure why, as I didn't see them very often, but it was nice of them.
Did the town walk to the library. I'm tired of Sinatra and started re-reading New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast and her bio, Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant? It's hysterically funny, but poignant, too, as it's about her problems with aging parents (both lived into their nineties). Stopped to get veggies, then did lots of food prep when I got home. I've become crazy for cauliflower and I looked on-line to see if I could roast it whole in the oven. Yes, I can, and I found a good recipe for a kind of sauce to put on before it's cooking (olive oil, vinegar, chives, and a variety of spices). It's yummy, although it took longer than I thought it would. In the same oven session, I cooked seasoned chicken thighs (I like them better than breasts) and had two for dinner.
Poor Aline had to have a hip replacement some months ago and still has a long way to go before she can discontinue a walker. She had been in terribly pain from it and her part-time job in the library necessitated being on her feet all the time. She's a constant walker--or was--as she doesn't drive and never did. She frequently walked to the bus, went into Manahawkin and from there to Manhattan, then Brooklyn to visit her sister-in-law, niece, and her close friend, Jay. She's now into extensive P.T. and is improving slowly.
While Aline and I were talking, Betty called; I called her back after Aline and I had ended our talk. Betty was having lunch with Mookie and Helen, both of whom said they missed me. I'm not sure why, as I didn't see them very often, but it was nice of them.
Did the town walk to the library. I'm tired of Sinatra and started re-reading New Yorker cartoonist Roz Chast and her bio, Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant? It's hysterically funny, but poignant, too, as it's about her problems with aging parents (both lived into their nineties). Stopped to get veggies, then did lots of food prep when I got home. I've become crazy for cauliflower and I looked on-line to see if I could roast it whole in the oven. Yes, I can, and I found a good recipe for a kind of sauce to put on before it's cooking (olive oil, vinegar, chives, and a variety of spices). It's yummy, although it took longer than I thought it would. In the same oven session, I cooked seasoned chicken thighs (I like them better than breasts) and had two for dinner.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Genghis Khan
I've been having some terrific days recently and yesterday was one of them. After Kimball, breakfast, and shower, I stepped out my door at 9:30, as Suzanne was stepping out hers. She drove to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, which takes only forty-five minutes or so. It's so picturesque: rolling hills and farmland all the way and it was a gorgeous sunny day.
Of course, I was there in December with El to see the Titanic exhibit (a dog, ninety percent the damn movie), but still appreciated the incredible views. Happily, it wasn't as crowded as it had been then and we got in quickly. The exhibit was wonderfully interesting. I had known as much about Genghis Khan as I do about quantum physics, but it proved to be very well done and I learned quite a bit. Besides the authentic artifacts, short videos, and other displays, the presentation included a show. This consisted of two Mongolian-looking men; one played a musical instrument which looked like a guitar gone wrong, but which had a lovely violin sound. The other man did a wildly energetic Mongolian dance--I told Suzanne I wouldn't have to go to T.O.P.S. if I did that twice a day.
After we had seen all the Genghis displays, it was about 12:30 and we skipped the crapola about Ronnie and Nancy, which we had both seen more than once. We had lunch on the outdoor veranda, S. enjoying a large salad, I, a cheese and fruit plate. What a pleasure to eat looking over that stunningly beautiful valley, especially with a cold Heineken in hand.
We had both seen the Reagan part of the place several times and were glad to skip it. We happily drove home, chatting all the way. I gave Suzanne two of the oranges I got from Carolyn before we parted, then I drove to town for my afternoon walk.
Of course, I was there in December with El to see the Titanic exhibit (a dog, ninety percent the damn movie), but still appreciated the incredible views. Happily, it wasn't as crowded as it had been then and we got in quickly. The exhibit was wonderfully interesting. I had known as much about Genghis Khan as I do about quantum physics, but it proved to be very well done and I learned quite a bit. Besides the authentic artifacts, short videos, and other displays, the presentation included a show. This consisted of two Mongolian-looking men; one played a musical instrument which looked like a guitar gone wrong, but which had a lovely violin sound. The other man did a wildly energetic Mongolian dance--I told Suzanne I wouldn't have to go to T.O.P.S. if I did that twice a day.
After we had seen all the Genghis displays, it was about 12:30 and we skipped the crapola about Ronnie and Nancy, which we had both seen more than once. We had lunch on the outdoor veranda, S. enjoying a large salad, I, a cheese and fruit plate. What a pleasure to eat looking over that stunningly beautiful valley, especially with a cold Heineken in hand.
We had both seen the Reagan part of the place several times and were glad to skip it. We happily drove home, chatting all the way. I gave Suzanne two of the oranges I got from Carolyn before we parted, then I drove to town for my afternoon walk.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
T.O.P.S. And Homicide
Kimball, as usual, then changed for T.O.P.S. I stayed the same at 128.2 and, considering I've been going out so much, that's fine by me. I'd still eventually like to get to 125, but am okay with a few pounds over.
I conducted the meeting and it went over well. As mentioned the other day, I had e-mailed members with some questions on weight--or rather, their reactions to others' comments, and so on. There was a lively response and good discussion.
Home for breakfast, which--as ever on T.O.P.S. days--I didn't have until after 10:00. Went to the store after to replenish my supply of blueberries and get a few other things. I debated whether to get in touch with Diane to put off our lunch in the park until Tuesday. On Monday, I've got Rob and the car at 9:00, lunch in the park at 12:30 and the widder dinner at 6:00. Decided not to switch and I'll just devote the day to those things.
Did the town walk, as usual, too. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day. I picked up two blouses and a pitcher at The Coalition, then spent an hour or so in the library. There, I'm still reading on Frank Sinatra (for some strange reason); home, I completed Righteous Carnage, about the John List murders. I'll have to look up Westfield, NJ in Union County--not sure if I've ever been there, but that's where he killed them: mother, wife, daughter, and two sons.
I conducted the meeting and it went over well. As mentioned the other day, I had e-mailed members with some questions on weight--or rather, their reactions to others' comments, and so on. There was a lively response and good discussion.
Home for breakfast, which--as ever on T.O.P.S. days--I didn't have until after 10:00. Went to the store after to replenish my supply of blueberries and get a few other things. I debated whether to get in touch with Diane to put off our lunch in the park until Tuesday. On Monday, I've got Rob and the car at 9:00, lunch in the park at 12:30 and the widder dinner at 6:00. Decided not to switch and I'll just devote the day to those things.
Did the town walk, as usual, too. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day. I picked up two blouses and a pitcher at The Coalition, then spent an hour or so in the library. There, I'm still reading on Frank Sinatra (for some strange reason); home, I completed Righteous Carnage, about the John List murders. I'll have to look up Westfield, NJ in Union County--not sure if I've ever been there, but that's where he killed them: mother, wife, daughter, and two sons.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Fun In Santa Barbara
A fun, fun, active day. Early on, I was pleased to get an e-mail from Diane suggesting we pack lunches (she needs to watch her pennies) and eat in Mission Park on Monday. Sounds like fun and we'll do that. Walked Kimball, had breakfast, showered and washed my hair, and got to the train station for the 11:00 departure.
There's incredibly beautiful scenery on the way to Santa Barbara, with ocean and beach and flowers and sun, and I enjoyed it. Got in forty-one minutes later, as scheduled, and niece Carolyn picked me up. We went to The Boathouse where she, Ellen, and I had been several years ago. It was very busy, even on a Wednesday afternoon and we had to wait fifteen minutes. But no prob, we had plenty to talk about.
We had a good lunch of fish tacos, plus an apple and walnut salad and a big glass of cold beer for each of us. They didn't have Blue Moon or any other similar beer on draft, so I got a Stella in a bottle, Carolyn Pacifica, a Mexican beer. She gave me a sip of it and I liked it; will try it sometime.
After, she showed me the place where she had planned to have her Mom live once she moves out there. I thought it was great; not sure if Betty agrees.
Carolyn had a doctor's appointment later and my return train didn't leave until 4:40, so we went back to her house and I had a good time with the kids: Finn, just turned 17 and Claire, 11. Of course, Calvin, the huge Swedish (or something) shepherd was there, too, a big clown, but even I like him, which is saying something. Carolyn took me back to the station on the way to taking Claire to gymnastics and we said goodbye with hugs and kisses. I called Ellen on my way home just to chat, then fell into conversation with my seatmate, an older woman named Joan, who lives in Sunnydale, but was going with her son in San Diego to the Giants/Padres game.
Got back to Ventura at 5:45 or so, picked up my car and drove the short distance to the museum. Yes, I walked the walk to the library and was glad I could. An active day and a good one.
There's incredibly beautiful scenery on the way to Santa Barbara, with ocean and beach and flowers and sun, and I enjoyed it. Got in forty-one minutes later, as scheduled, and niece Carolyn picked me up. We went to The Boathouse where she, Ellen, and I had been several years ago. It was very busy, even on a Wednesday afternoon and we had to wait fifteen minutes. But no prob, we had plenty to talk about.
We had a good lunch of fish tacos, plus an apple and walnut salad and a big glass of cold beer for each of us. They didn't have Blue Moon or any other similar beer on draft, so I got a Stella in a bottle, Carolyn Pacifica, a Mexican beer. She gave me a sip of it and I liked it; will try it sometime.
After, she showed me the place where she had planned to have her Mom live once she moves out there. I thought it was great; not sure if Betty agrees.
Carolyn had a doctor's appointment later and my return train didn't leave until 4:40, so we went back to her house and I had a good time with the kids: Finn, just turned 17 and Claire, 11. Of course, Calvin, the huge Swedish (or something) shepherd was there, too, a big clown, but even I like him, which is saying something. Carolyn took me back to the station on the way to taking Claire to gymnastics and we said goodbye with hugs and kisses. I called Ellen on my way home just to chat, then fell into conversation with my seatmate, an older woman named Joan, who lives in Sunnydale, but was going with her son in San Diego to the Giants/Padres game.
Got back to Ventura at 5:45 or so, picked up my car and drove the short distance to the museum. Yes, I walked the walk to the library and was glad I could. An active day and a good one.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
My Car And The Cave
Kimball, breakfast, and got to Rob's Remedies at 10:00. I was there early and when Rob showed up, he sat down on the bench with me and peeled a big orange. As many people do here, he has orage trees. He handed me half--peeled--and it was the juiciest, sweetest orange I ever tasted. He also told me something good to know: When you eat a peeled orange, don't do its segment by segment. That way, you'll get juice running all over you. Instead, eat it as you would an apple. I was skeptical, but did as he said, and darned if it didn't work. Almost all the luscious juice went into my mouth and only my fingers got a little on them.
This is the first time Rob saw my new car since I got it and he put it on the hoist and went over it part by part. He told me I have a good little car, put "premium" oil in and charged me 92 bucks. He said I need a new air filter, too, but I said I couldn't stay and will come back for that on Monday. As I got in the car, he asked me to wait a minute, then went and got me a big orange to take with me. He's very slow--but thorough--and a pretty nice guy.
Rushed home and jumped in the shower, then changed and went right off to meet Nancy. We had our usual good time together, she with her champagne and I with my Chardonnay. I was going to have a regular lunch, but wasn't very hungry, so just got their delicious truffle French fries; Nance got the cheese plate, which is also excellent, and we talked and talked and talked.
We parted about 2:30 and I drove directly to town. Did the walk, read for a bit at the library, and walked back. Called El and we had a good chat, she ranting about the lunatic in the White House, me insisting both major parties are corrupt to the core.
This is the first time Rob saw my new car since I got it and he put it on the hoist and went over it part by part. He told me I have a good little car, put "premium" oil in and charged me 92 bucks. He said I need a new air filter, too, but I said I couldn't stay and will come back for that on Monday. As I got in the car, he asked me to wait a minute, then went and got me a big orange to take with me. He's very slow--but thorough--and a pretty nice guy.
Rushed home and jumped in the shower, then changed and went right off to meet Nancy. We had our usual good time together, she with her champagne and I with my Chardonnay. I was going to have a regular lunch, but wasn't very hungry, so just got their delicious truffle French fries; Nance got the cheese plate, which is also excellent, and we talked and talked and talked.
We parted about 2:30 and I drove directly to town. Did the walk, read for a bit at the library, and walked back. Called El and we had a good chat, she ranting about the lunatic in the White House, me insisting both major parties are corrupt to the core.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
More Goings On
Busier than ever. After Kimball and breakfast, I set about cleaning, trimming, and chopping a large cauliflower, two pounds of carrots, and the grilled chicken I like in salads. Sliced up onions and tomatoes and roasted with oil, vinegar, and seasonings. I find this very satisfying, as I like to have a nice stock of fresh veggies at hand. Took a load of wash to The Place and did the back and forth in between my chop chores.
Remembered I said I'd do the T.O.P.S. program this Friday, so I e-mailed a note to members, asking them to think of answers to certain questions, such as "what's the meanest, funniest, or least helpful thing anyone said about your weight gain?" and so on. I'll then lead a discussion on those topics.
Finally, at long last, I stopped at Jessica Nails and got a manicure. The color I picked looks like bubble gum, teeny-bopper style, but so what, it's cute.
Did the town walk, then stopped at Staples for printer ink. As soon as I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and invited me to go with her to the Genghis Khan exhibit at the Reagan Library on Saturday. I accepted with pleasure and am looking forward to it.
I went on the Amtrak web site and was intensely frustrated that I wasn't able to get my tickets to and from Santa Barbara for tomorrow. It kept telling me to put things in I already had. Must call them.
Remembered I said I'd do the T.O.P.S. program this Friday, so I e-mailed a note to members, asking them to think of answers to certain questions, such as "what's the meanest, funniest, or least helpful thing anyone said about your weight gain?" and so on. I'll then lead a discussion on those topics.
Finally, at long last, I stopped at Jessica Nails and got a manicure. The color I picked looks like bubble gum, teeny-bopper style, but so what, it's cute.
Did the town walk, then stopped at Staples for printer ink. As soon as I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and invited me to go with her to the Genghis Khan exhibit at the Reagan Library on Saturday. I accepted with pleasure and am looking forward to it.
I went on the Amtrak web site and was intensely frustrated that I wasn't able to get my tickets to and from Santa Barbara for tomorrow. It kept telling me to put things in I already had. Must call them.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Errands and Toastmasters
Another getting-my-ducks-in-a-row day. After Kimball and breakfast, I sat down here to figure out what I'd present for "table topics" at Toastmaster last evening. This is something like imrprov, which people have to think on their feet and answer a certain question.
Thought up some, typed them out, then went to WinCo for spinach, carrots, cauliflower, and the grilled chicken I like in my salad. Assembled and ate same, then went off to Clinitas, a free clinic to donate the meds I accidentally ordered. However, they don't take them, but suggested I go to Roger's Pharmacy a few miles up the road. I did and was horrified to find they send them somewhere or other and they are then burned. What? I wanted to give these to someone who needs them and may not be able to afford them. Of course, little Miss Know Nothing, didn't realize it's illegal to do this. I assume that's so the pharmaceutical company bigwigs, may they rot in hell, don't have to beg on the streets. Defeated, I left them there and they'll be destroyed.Went from there to Rob's Remedies and made an appointment for ten on Wednesday for good ol' Rob to change my oil.
My mood lightened after lunch, when Nancy called to see if we could meet for wine and the cheese plates at The Cave on Wednesday at 1:00. Yesiree, see you then.
Did the town walk, jumped in the shower, changed, and left for Poinsettia Toastmasters at 6:15. Jan was late getting there with the key, but finally did. She said she'll give it to me, rather than prez Rachel because I'm a docent there.
Meeting went okay, although one of the scheduled speakers, Judith, wasn't able to come. Tony was the other speaker and--well, he needs practice.
Thought up some, typed them out, then went to WinCo for spinach, carrots, cauliflower, and the grilled chicken I like in my salad. Assembled and ate same, then went off to Clinitas, a free clinic to donate the meds I accidentally ordered. However, they don't take them, but suggested I go to Roger's Pharmacy a few miles up the road. I did and was horrified to find they send them somewhere or other and they are then burned. What? I wanted to give these to someone who needs them and may not be able to afford them. Of course, little Miss Know Nothing, didn't realize it's illegal to do this. I assume that's so the pharmaceutical company bigwigs, may they rot in hell, don't have to beg on the streets. Defeated, I left them there and they'll be destroyed.Went from there to Rob's Remedies and made an appointment for ten on Wednesday for good ol' Rob to change my oil.
My mood lightened after lunch, when Nancy called to see if we could meet for wine and the cheese plates at The Cave on Wednesday at 1:00. Yesiree, see you then.
Did the town walk, jumped in the shower, changed, and left for Poinsettia Toastmasters at 6:15. Jan was late getting there with the key, but finally did. She said she'll give it to me, rather than prez Rachel because I'm a docent there.
Meeting went okay, although one of the scheduled speakers, Judith, wasn't able to come. Tony was the other speaker and--well, he needs practice.
Monday, April 09, 2018
Cannabis and Dressing
A fun day. Walked Kimball, of course, home for breakfast, then did the usual Sunday routine. Donned my new "jungle print" (or whatever it is) jacket, jeans, a belt (yay! I can wear a belt!), then set off for town about quarter of 1:00.
I had planned to park at the museum, walk my usual to the library, then meet Nancy back at the museum for the New York Public Library documentary. As I crossed the street after walking a few blocks, I saw a man putting a placard against the building on the corner. It mentioned auditions for Safe Port, A Premium Cannabis Dispensary, right down the street at The Brewery. I got to talking to him and he encouraged me to try it, so I did. Walked down there,filled out an info paper, and was interviewed and videotaped. Will I get called back for a second audition? I have no idea, but I accepted the free beer, enjoyed it, then went on my way.
Met Nancy at the museum and we went into the Pavilion to see Ex Libris, a documentary about the New York Public Library. We were taken aback when it was announced that there would be an intermission half way through--after an hour and a half! The film was okay, very interesting in part, but too damn long for both of us and we left at intermission. Strolled the short distance to the Blue Agave and enjoyed our Cabernet and enchiladas while chatting away. I got back to Betty while Nance went to the ladies' room and she seemed considerably more chipper.
We were there until almost 5:00, finally left, and I got home twenty minutes or so later. Found a gift bag and note on my door from my dear girl, thanking me for feeding Sebastian. In the bag was a bottle of strawberry balsamic dressing--can't wait to try it on my salad today!
I had planned to park at the museum, walk my usual to the library, then meet Nancy back at the museum for the New York Public Library documentary. As I crossed the street after walking a few blocks, I saw a man putting a placard against the building on the corner. It mentioned auditions for Safe Port, A Premium Cannabis Dispensary, right down the street at The Brewery. I got to talking to him and he encouraged me to try it, so I did. Walked down there,filled out an info paper, and was interviewed and videotaped. Will I get called back for a second audition? I have no idea, but I accepted the free beer, enjoyed it, then went on my way.
Met Nancy at the museum and we went into the Pavilion to see Ex Libris, a documentary about the New York Public Library. We were taken aback when it was announced that there would be an intermission half way through--after an hour and a half! The film was okay, very interesting in part, but too damn long for both of us and we left at intermission. Strolled the short distance to the Blue Agave and enjoyed our Cabernet and enchiladas while chatting away. I got back to Betty while Nance went to the ladies' room and she seemed considerably more chipper.
We were there until almost 5:00, finally left, and I got home twenty minutes or so later. Found a gift bag and note on my door from my dear girl, thanking me for feeding Sebastian. In the bag was a bottle of strawberry balsamic dressing--can't wait to try it on my salad today!
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Busy, busy day, but a good one. After walking Kimball in much warmer weather than it had been, I changed for the Toastmasters Regional Contest. Just had a tangerine with my coffee because it included breakfast.
And what breakfast: Besides Danish and other sweet things (which I don't eat), they had two kinds of sandwiches--croissant with cheese and wraps with ham and pickle--plus large glass bowls filled with mixed nuts, trail mix, and other combos; several kinds of wrapped "health" bars (pure crap, sez I) and a huge variety of other goodies. I had one each of the sandwiches, plus coffee, and called it lunch, although it was 9:30 in the morning. The cost for this spread? Five bucks.
I would had paid that just to be at the meeting, as the talks were top notch. They had the virtue of being short (none longer than eight minutes) and were on a variety of topics, such as the Puerto Rican hurricane, a father's travail with his daughter's illness, and a terrific one by a young actress of Indian descent. I talked to her after and hope to see her again. There were lots of attendees there from both my Toastmasters groups and I was pleased to see them. Ate with John Callaghan, who had been on Santa Cruz Island when the earthquake struck, just a few miles from the epicenter. He was interviewed by NBC News. Fern was there, of course, plus Edith and others I know. It was a fine event and I enjoyed it.
It lasted until 1:00, after which I went home to change. Just had some leftover veggies for an extra lunch, then took off for town and did the museum-to-library walk. After that, I completed errands at the following venues:
1. To Enterprise to say my car is suddenly telling me it can't read my key. I forgot the key itself has a battery and the sweet guy there changed it.
2. To Penney's Hair Salon to find Mary and complain that the left side of my hair was sticking out. She did something or other, then told me to mist it and brush toward my face.
3. To Dexter's Cameras to pick up my DVD and VHS, which they had transferred.
4. To the clinic on Wells Road, because I want to donate my Atvoritin (?), which I ordered in error from Caremark.
5. To the 99 Cent store, then to Wal-Mart, trying to find a mister, which I couldn't.
6. To Sprouts for raw shrimp--it's so much better when you stir-fry yourself, rather than buying it cooked, it doesn't seem like the same seafood.
Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the Blue Agave after our museum outing this afternoon. She does, I was delighted to hear and I'm looking forward to that and the documentary on the New York Public Library.
And what breakfast: Besides Danish and other sweet things (which I don't eat), they had two kinds of sandwiches--croissant with cheese and wraps with ham and pickle--plus large glass bowls filled with mixed nuts, trail mix, and other combos; several kinds of wrapped "health" bars (pure crap, sez I) and a huge variety of other goodies. I had one each of the sandwiches, plus coffee, and called it lunch, although it was 9:30 in the morning. The cost for this spread? Five bucks.
I would had paid that just to be at the meeting, as the talks were top notch. They had the virtue of being short (none longer than eight minutes) and were on a variety of topics, such as the Puerto Rican hurricane, a father's travail with his daughter's illness, and a terrific one by a young actress of Indian descent. I talked to her after and hope to see her again. There were lots of attendees there from both my Toastmasters groups and I was pleased to see them. Ate with John Callaghan, who had been on Santa Cruz Island when the earthquake struck, just a few miles from the epicenter. He was interviewed by NBC News. Fern was there, of course, plus Edith and others I know. It was a fine event and I enjoyed it.
It lasted until 1:00, after which I went home to change. Just had some leftover veggies for an extra lunch, then took off for town and did the museum-to-library walk. After that, I completed errands at the following venues:
1. To Enterprise to say my car is suddenly telling me it can't read my key. I forgot the key itself has a battery and the sweet guy there changed it.
2. To Penney's Hair Salon to find Mary and complain that the left side of my hair was sticking out. She did something or other, then told me to mist it and brush toward my face.
3. To Dexter's Cameras to pick up my DVD and VHS, which they had transferred.
4. To the clinic on Wells Road, because I want to donate my Atvoritin (?), which I ordered in error from Caremark.
5. To the 99 Cent store, then to Wal-Mart, trying to find a mister, which I couldn't.
6. To Sprouts for raw shrimp--it's so much better when you stir-fry yourself, rather than buying it cooked, it doesn't seem like the same seafood.
Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the Blue Agave after our museum outing this afternoon. She does, I was delighted to hear and I'm looking forward to that and the documentary on the New York Public Library.
Saturday, April 07, 2018
T.O.P.S. And Hair
Kimball, then changed for T.O.P.S. I'm down another 1.7 for a total of 55.9 off and weight of 128.2. The meeting was pretty good, although too long, as usual. Carolyn brought her delicious tangelos and tangerines and I happily took some.
Went to Wal-Mart and Ralph's for undies and veggies. Home to lunch and shower, and found the glass door on the shower was stuck open. Well, damn, I wasn't going skip my shower, so left it half open; not too much got on the floor.
Betty called to say she finally got her new phone. I had to cut her short, as I was rushing out the door, but called her back later. Got to the salon at 3:00 and called the office from there. Manager said Javier, the maintenance man, was off and wouldn't be back until Monday. I was annoyed, so she said assistant manager Jim might be able to fix it. (As it turned out, it was fixed when I got home, so he did.)
I was told that Amanda, my regular hairdresser is no longer there. "She has left us," I was told, as if she was in the grave. They always say this and it strikes me funny.
My cut and color look good and I'm happy with Mary, although she charges more because she's "a master hairdresser" or whatever the hell the saying is. That's okay, I'll grin and bear it.
Stopped at Sprout's for watermelon on the way home, then rang Susanne's bell. I gave her the medication I accidentally ordered from Caremark, but no longer take. She'll take it to St. John;'s to see if it can be donated. I didn't get my town walk in, but I'm not concerned about it.
Friday, April 06, 2018
Reversal And An Earthquake
Big news--I reversed my usual walking routine!
Okay, so I don't have the most exciting life. I drove to Ojai at 7:00 to feed Sebastian and even--saint that I am--cleaned his litter box and disposed of the...the...stuff. I had stopped at Von's for coffee, then helped myself to bread from El's freezer and, finding almond butter, put that on. Got her paper from the front lawn, saw kitty ensconced, as usual, on the bed, left a note, locked the door, and left.
Since I go through downtown to get to Ojai, I parked at the museum after and walked to the library. It doesn't open until 10:00, so I just retraced my steps, as usual. I did, however, stop in the ARC thrift store and bought a large canvas of a purple flower. I think it will look good in the bathroom, which is white and purple.
Stopped at WinCo before I got home for tilapia and produce. Spent an hour prepping them, so I was able to stock my fridge with ready-to-eat spinach, roasted tomatoes, spaghetti squash, and fish (put some of that in the freezer, also). Made a hair appointment for today at four for a cut and color. After lunch, I did the Kimball walk and it was enjoyable in sunshine and warmth for a change.
Called Betty, who seems to be doing a bit better, then sat down at the computer to see more videos of the Tokyo trio. About five of 1:00, as I was about to get up for lunch, I felt a trembling, then some creaking noises. AAGH! It was an earthquake! I mentioned that on Facebook and there was some discussion. I now know I need to get under a table if it turns out to be serious.
El called before I went to bed to thank me for my (anything but onerous) help while she and Greg were away.
Okay, so I don't have the most exciting life. I drove to Ojai at 7:00 to feed Sebastian and even--saint that I am--cleaned his litter box and disposed of the...the...stuff. I had stopped at Von's for coffee, then helped myself to bread from El's freezer and, finding almond butter, put that on. Got her paper from the front lawn, saw kitty ensconced, as usual, on the bed, left a note, locked the door, and left.
Since I go through downtown to get to Ojai, I parked at the museum after and walked to the library. It doesn't open until 10:00, so I just retraced my steps, as usual. I did, however, stop in the ARC thrift store and bought a large canvas of a purple flower. I think it will look good in the bathroom, which is white and purple.
Stopped at WinCo before I got home for tilapia and produce. Spent an hour prepping them, so I was able to stock my fridge with ready-to-eat spinach, roasted tomatoes, spaghetti squash, and fish (put some of that in the freezer, also). Made a hair appointment for today at four for a cut and color. After lunch, I did the Kimball walk and it was enjoyable in sunshine and warmth for a change.
Called Betty, who seems to be doing a bit better, then sat down at the computer to see more videos of the Tokyo trio. About five of 1:00, as I was about to get up for lunch, I felt a trembling, then some creaking noises. AAGH! It was an earthquake! I mentioned that on Facebook and there was some discussion. I now know I need to get under a table if it turns out to be serious.
El called before I went to bed to thank me for my (anything but onerous) help while she and Greg were away.
Thursday, April 05, 2018
BCNN And Sherry
Chilly again walking Kimball, as I went a little early. After breakfast, I changed to go to BCNN at 9:30. This was the annual "clothes exchange meeting" and I'm sorry I didn't bring anything. I had outgrown--or "outshrunk"--a lot of clothes, but gave the nicer ones to Betty and others to the thrift store. I found two nice blouses and two jackets. I also took a dress and a dressy blouse, but these were too snug. I can get them on, but barely, so I'll send them to older daughter, who's about a six 6.
Doris and Sherry were there and saved me a seat. They want to get in touch with Sue, who didn't come, to see if we can all go see her. I'm not sure how she'll react to this, as she lives on a boat, but I said if it sails, count me in.
For a change, the program was interesting. Two women who had been in the Peace Corps years ago (one in Honduras, one in Afghanistan) spoke and presented videos. Excellent and I hope we get more similar programs, rather then dog trainers and the mayor of Oxnard.
Home, lunch, WinCo, and Target, then drove to town for my walk. Went from there directly to Ellen's to feed Sebastian. El and Greg called while I was on my way; they're at San Luis Obispo overnight, staying at The Apple Farm. El and I stopped at the restaurant there on our way back from Alameda in December. I like the place a lot and hope someday I can accompany them.
I had a difficult time trying to open Ellen's door--had to call her, but finally got in. Fed Sebastian and changed his water. I looked in the fridge; didn't have my glasses on, but saw a slender bottle with gold letters spelling "Sherry." Gee, I thought, I haven't had sherry for years and I like it, so I poured myself some. Drank it down and--AAGH! Got my glasses and read the small print on the label: "Sherry Vinegar." Ha--joke was on me.
Doris and Sherry were there and saved me a seat. They want to get in touch with Sue, who didn't come, to see if we can all go see her. I'm not sure how she'll react to this, as she lives on a boat, but I said if it sails, count me in.
For a change, the program was interesting. Two women who had been in the Peace Corps years ago (one in Honduras, one in Afghanistan) spoke and presented videos. Excellent and I hope we get more similar programs, rather then dog trainers and the mayor of Oxnard.
Home, lunch, WinCo, and Target, then drove to town for my walk. Went from there directly to Ellen's to feed Sebastian. El and Greg called while I was on my way; they're at San Luis Obispo overnight, staying at The Apple Farm. El and I stopped at the restaurant there on our way back from Alameda in December. I like the place a lot and hope someday I can accompany them.
I had a difficult time trying to open Ellen's door--had to call her, but finally got in. Fed Sebastian and changed his water. I looked in the fridge; didn't have my glasses on, but saw a slender bottle with gold letters spelling "Sherry." Gee, I thought, I haven't had sherry for years and I like it, so I poured myself some. Drank it down and--AAGH! Got my glasses and read the small print on the label: "Sherry Vinegar." Ha--joke was on me.
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Domestic Chores and Bank of America
It was a little chilly walking Kimball, but okay. After breakfast, I stripped the bed to wash the sheets, then discovered I didn't have enough quarters. Made a run to the bank may they all rot in hell* and finally got two rolls, drove back, and took bedclothes to the laundry place.
Tokyo son e-mailed me to the effect he had been trying to get in touch via Skype, Duo, and other video methods, but never could. I hadn't realized I had to re-load Skype, but did so. I also found Duo on my phone. Tried to Skype him and others, but it didn't go through, I assume because they weren't there.
My niece, Joan, who lives in Manhattan, called, and we had an extended talk. El called to say she and Greg are going to San Luis Obispo today and could I feed Sebastian this evening? Sure, and I may or may not stay over, but will do the same tomorrow morning.
Got the clothes, folded and put away same, and re-made the bed. After lunch, I took off for town. Ran into Loretta and Fred and we chatted. She still seems a little too aggressive or something. Read at the library for a bit, then went to Target. That was because I got a letter from that establishment saying I had to use my charge within two months or they'd kill me. Or maybe it was that they'd deactivate it.
I bought some ground turkey there--they didn't even have any decent produce--but then couldn't find my card. Paid in cash and will look for it later.
Stopped at WinCo and the 99Cent store for a few other things, then home. It seems that Tokyo son called me while I was here--it said at 5:07--but when I tried to call back a few minutes later, it said he was "on another call." Later, though, he called via Facebook Messenger and I had a lovely visit with my adorable four-year-old grandson. He's so bright and energetic and will use English for Nana, because she doesn't understand Japanese. What a sweetheart.
* See my page on Facebook for a well-deserved rant about Bank of America, those dirty dogs.
Tokyo son e-mailed me to the effect he had been trying to get in touch via Skype, Duo, and other video methods, but never could. I hadn't realized I had to re-load Skype, but did so. I also found Duo on my phone. Tried to Skype him and others, but it didn't go through, I assume because they weren't there.
My niece, Joan, who lives in Manhattan, called, and we had an extended talk. El called to say she and Greg are going to San Luis Obispo today and could I feed Sebastian this evening? Sure, and I may or may not stay over, but will do the same tomorrow morning.
Got the clothes, folded and put away same, and re-made the bed. After lunch, I took off for town. Ran into Loretta and Fred and we chatted. She still seems a little too aggressive or something. Read at the library for a bit, then went to Target. That was because I got a letter from that establishment saying I had to use my charge within two months or they'd kill me. Or maybe it was that they'd deactivate it.
I bought some ground turkey there--they didn't even have any decent produce--but then couldn't find my card. Paid in cash and will look for it later.
Stopped at WinCo and the 99Cent store for a few other things, then home. It seems that Tokyo son called me while I was here--it said at 5:07--but when I tried to call back a few minutes later, it said he was "on another call." Later, though, he called via Facebook Messenger and I had a lovely visit with my adorable four-year-old grandson. He's so bright and energetic and will use English for Nana, because she doesn't understand Japanese. What a sweetheart.
* See my page on Facebook for a well-deserved rant about Bank of America, those dirty dogs.
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
Widder Lunch
It was warmer and not foggy, but cloudy walking Kimball. Did the usual after, then tackled some stuff I've been neglecting (I keep doing that!). I scrubbed the double sink in the kitchen, did same in bathroom, then discarded the dead plants in the patio and put the pretty new ones my children gave me there. Watered the ficus and did a few other little chores; the place looks pretty good. Filled my six pill holders for the next six weeks, then got a text from Michelle, my accountant. She had completed the amended return (after my error) and charged me only $25. She was at the post office only a few blocks from me, so dropped it off for me to sign both state and fed. I then took it to the P.O. to send certified. Whew--I'm glad to get that off my mind and forget about it.
Changed, and got to The Sizzler early. Susan came in shortly and we both talked about how we dislike the place. I know Nancy and Carolyn don't like it, either, so maybe we can switch when Vera gets back from the Dominican Republic. She and her teen aged children are doing charity work there with their church for a week.
Jana came and I introduced her to the group. It's been only three weeks since her husband died; he had been sick a long time. Nancy didn't come yesterday, but Carolyn did, as did Elisa and two men, Ray and Brent. Nice guys and they had harrowing stories; Ray's wife had survived brain cancer for 14 years,but then it recurred. Brent's wife suffered from ALS, Anyway, we had a good lunch and good talk.
I went home to put sneaks on and drove back to town for my usual walk. Ran into Marie M. there. She has moved to a "tiny house" from the low-income Ventura Inn and likes it a lot. I'm sure I wouldn't. Coincidentally, I got an e-mail from Lori of Ventura Council for Seniors (although I resigned, I guess I'm still on their list), asking for ideas and opinions on the possibility of more housing for seniors in Ventura. I'll respond at length.
Monday, April 02, 2018
Easter Day
I got to Kimball a bit before 7:00 am to find it was more or less deserted. I therefore decided to walk along Telephone Road, where cars were driving, which worked out fine. Home for breakfast and crossword, after which I got a call from Betty's daughter-in-law. We had a long--more than an hour--talk; she and Steve are as concerned about Betty as I am. That made me a little late for Ellen's, but I got there by 11:00.
She and I took a walk before lunch, then she served a lovely light meal of cheese and crackers, salad, and a nice white wine, of which I had plenty. Greg wasn't feeling up to par, so didn't have lunch, but sat with us and we had some good talk, especially about his art work.He showed me some of his most recent work and I thought it was excellent, especially one he did of a woman's face. He had to be at work at 2:00, so left after lunch. El and I watched Will and Grace--I used to like the original, but didn't this--then both took naps.
After, we went into town and stopped to get ice cream, which I had been craving for months. I hadn't had ice cream for almost a year and I got rocky road; oh, mama, was that good. We then strolled in the park and on the street, stopping to listen to a singer and just chatting. I left about 5:00 and got home after a sunny--literally and figuratively--day.
She and I took a walk before lunch, then she served a lovely light meal of cheese and crackers, salad, and a nice white wine, of which I had plenty. Greg wasn't feeling up to par, so didn't have lunch, but sat with us and we had some good talk, especially about his art work.He showed me some of his most recent work and I thought it was excellent, especially one he did of a woman's face. He had to be at work at 2:00, so left after lunch. El and I watched Will and Grace--I used to like the original, but didn't this--then both took naps.
After, we went into town and stopped to get ice cream, which I had been craving for months. I hadn't had ice cream for almost a year and I got rocky road; oh, mama, was that good. We then strolled in the park and on the street, stopping to listen to a singer and just chatting. I left about 5:00 and got home after a sunny--literally and figuratively--day.
Sunday, April 01, 2018
Fog over Kimball still, but it was warmer. Home and the usual.
Called Betty after breakfast. She's having a lot of problems with this and that, including her mobile phone, which is kaput. She's waiting for a new one, but for some reason, it's taking a long time to come. She can get calls on her landline, but can't make long-distance ones on it Aside from all that, she's got two law suits coming up, plus a variety of other problems. She asked me to call her children and ask them to call her on the landline, which I did. I'm worried about her and wish I could help in some concrete way.
Walked to Von's on the next block for an item, then elsewhere for fruit. When I got back, I found three large, beautiful chocolate-covered strawberries and a note at my door. Of course, they were from my wonderful next-door neighbor, Suzanne (I'm glad not to call her "Sister Suzanne," as I think that would put a barrier between us). Of course, I rang her bell immediately to thank her. There are a group of Mercy Sisters who live together near here and she'll be enjoying Easter with them. Walked over to
Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the museum next Sunday to see a documentary on the New York Public Library. Yes, she did and we'll meet there. However, she said she'd have to cut down on our Tuesday outings for financial reasons. Nancy's sole income consists of Social Security and she just has to tighten her belt a bit. Okay, I can adjust.
Decided to do a wash, although I rarely do on weekends; those who work should have precedence over this retiree, I think. However, one washer in the laundry place wasn't being used, so I grabbed it. By the time I retreived the dry clothes, it was 3:30 when I drove to town anyway.
The Champagne Festival was going strong--lots of crowds, music, and vendor booths. I reversed my usual route and parked at the library, then walked to the museum. Very festive. Bought some mild salsa from a local maker.
El called after I got home to discuss hard-boiled eggs (ha!), then I chopped onions, peppers, and mushrooms to stir-fry with ground turkey. Yummy.
Called Betty after breakfast. She's having a lot of problems with this and that, including her mobile phone, which is kaput. She's waiting for a new one, but for some reason, it's taking a long time to come. She can get calls on her landline, but can't make long-distance ones on it Aside from all that, she's got two law suits coming up, plus a variety of other problems. She asked me to call her children and ask them to call her on the landline, which I did. I'm worried about her and wish I could help in some concrete way.
Walked to Von's on the next block for an item, then elsewhere for fruit. When I got back, I found three large, beautiful chocolate-covered strawberries and a note at my door. Of course, they were from my wonderful next-door neighbor, Suzanne (I'm glad not to call her "Sister Suzanne," as I think that would put a barrier between us). Of course, I rang her bell immediately to thank her. There are a group of Mercy Sisters who live together near here and she'll be enjoying Easter with them. Walked over to
Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the museum next Sunday to see a documentary on the New York Public Library. Yes, she did and we'll meet there. However, she said she'd have to cut down on our Tuesday outings for financial reasons. Nancy's sole income consists of Social Security and she just has to tighten her belt a bit. Okay, I can adjust.
Decided to do a wash, although I rarely do on weekends; those who work should have precedence over this retiree, I think. However, one washer in the laundry place wasn't being used, so I grabbed it. By the time I retreived the dry clothes, it was 3:30 when I drove to town anyway.
The Champagne Festival was going strong--lots of crowds, music, and vendor booths. I reversed my usual route and parked at the library, then walked to the museum. Very festive. Bought some mild salsa from a local maker.
El called after I got home to discuss hard-boiled eggs (ha!), then I chopped onions, peppers, and mushrooms to stir-fry with ground turkey. Yummy.
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...