Thursday, March 03, 2022


I've had an enjoyable stretch of activities lately, and yesterday was no exception. Julie picked me up at 8:45 and we went to the Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers meeting at the harbor. The program was a yawner; it was about climate warming, but concentrated on urging individuals to get solar panels,  electric cars, and so on. (Without some kind of overseeing of the biggest polluters on the planet--huge corporations and the U.S. military--that's just whistling in the dark.) However, I enjoyed meeting the others, especially Linda H., who was wearing a mask of her own face:

I was fascinated and asked where she got it. She told me in L.A.; you provide a picture of your face and it's printed on a washable mask. Naturally, I have to have one and will pursue it.

After the meeting, about fifteen of us went to the Margaritaville Restaurant for lunch. We sat on the second floor deck, overlooking the harbor and lots of boats--it was heavenly. I wasn't hungry, so just had a (small) bowl of soup and a beer. I continue to be amazed at food prices now: My bill with tip was twenty-three bucks!  Julie and I then stopped into an artists' collective and we admired some of the paintings, photographs, and jewelry for sale. We spoke to one of the artists and Julie bought a painting and a kind of seashell paperweight. 

As soon as I got home, I did what Ellen suggested: traced the framed pictures I want her to hang on newspaper and taped it up. That was a great idea to see how I want the configuration.

Finished with that, I needed to get outside in the wonderfully warm (upper seventies) and sunny day, so  I bused to The Collection in Oxnard.* I stopped to see Greg and we had a good talk for a half hour or so. I didn't get home until 5:30 and immediately microwaved some fresh spinach, then cut up red potatoes and tossed with olive oil, garlic, and seasonings, and roasted them in a hot oven. That made up one of my vegan dinners. 

* It took me quite a while to get to Oxnard. I had taken the 21 bus, having forgotten it doesn't go to The Collection. When it got to Oxnard, I was told by the driver where to get off to get the route one bus to a certain stop for the 17, which went to the transit center where I could catch the 6 to The Collection.  You might think I'd be upset about such a torturous route, but I wasn't. I knew I'd eventually get there, it was a lovely day, and I actually enjoyed the rides.  

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...