Friday, March 04, 2022


I like to make at least semi-firm plans for my days and I had planned to walk to the P.O. in the morning and send off my St. Pat's day cards to the kiddies overseas. After that, I was going to bus to Miramar to--finally--get my glasses prescription filled. But Suzanne called at 9:00 to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo in twenty minutes. Why, sure, and off we went. After we got home, Suzanne knocked and gave me half of the purple cabbage she had bought--she's done this before, because she can't eat a whole one. I immediately put it in the slow cooker and, since I had no apples, added some grapes. 

I made an appointment for my yearly mammogram at Rolling Oaks (always sounds like a motorcycle gang to me) and tried for the third time to make an appointment with the dermatologist for my yearly skin lookover. Once again, nobody called me back and I'm getting more and more annoyed. 

Had lunch, then set off for the post office. I had found a cute little pair of St. Patrick's day socks at Target for Mr. K., so added them to his envelope. When I was told the postage, though, I pulled my little gesture--it was seventeen dollars and change. I knew my son, K.'s dad, would be very disapproving if I spent that much on three-dollar socks, so I took it back. Mailed the ones to Singapore. 

I kept to my plan for the optician's, bused there, and told the attendant I wanted the least expensive frames they had. She brought over some $150 ones and I chose.  My insurance will cover all but six dollars (I'm not sure why) and there are two co-pays of $20 each, so I'll be out of pocket only forty-six dollars. I actually expected to pay a few hundred--I had forgotten my insurance would pay most--so that was satisfactory. From there, I walked to The Market and picked up another card for the Tokyo boy, whom I figure is one-third Irish. Although the mail's been terrible, I have plenty of time to send it. 

It was too early for dinner when I got home, so I had some of the now nicely-cooked cabbage. Put some red wine vinegar on it and it was delish. I completed the "Thought for the Week" quotes for Lennie and sneakily added a few I made up myself. For dinner, I had chicken dogs and scrambled eggs, which I like every once in a while. Julie will be picking me up for T.O.P.S. shortly and since I skipped last week, I'll be interested to know my weight tally. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...