Monday, March 21, 2022


Back in the groove, I did the Sunday crossword and solved most, not all. Put in a final load of wash, then got my cart and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. Picked up various, including spinach and Brussels sprouts, lettuce and olive oil.

Home, I reverted back to my big salad for lunch (I had been straying into sandwiches for a time) and added grapes and diced chicken and it was good. After, I actually laid down and took a nap until 5:00, so about two hours. Felt invigorated when I got up.

Had a vegan dinner, after which Vickie called to bring me up to date on Mary's sad saga. She's again been taken to a geriatric psych ward in a hospital in Fillmore. She had been aggressive with staff and had actually injured several in reacting to something or other she didn't want to do. Poor Vickie is also dealing with going back to work at the county office shortly--she had been working from home, but now employees are to resume on-site. Considering her compromised immune system, I don't blame her. She also said her work load has been tripled; even if that's an exaggeration, that's another burden. 

I have a bunch of financial/legal/"business" stuff to do today and I must complete my income tax info and get it to Michelle.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...