Sunday, March 20, 2022


Put in yet another load of wash before breakfast, but I must have included too many heavy towels since the damn thing failed to spin dry. Took out the towels and spread them on the patio chairs. Shortly, I'll get them--they'll still be damp--and put them in the dryer.

Went over to Von's for Heineken, which was on sale; I'll go back today for other items. While there, I saw that the Friends of The Library were having a book sale. Could I resist? Certainly not, and I browsed for a bit, then bought a bio of Hal Holbrook, an account of the notorious conviction of exchange student, Amada Knox, in Italy for a murder she didn't commit, plus a book on one of Graham Greene's love affairs. Called Jim to tell him about the sale and he said he's go there before coming to my place for lunch.

Home, I prepared that lunch. I finished up the long pepperoni and cheese sandwiches and added a bowl of my homemade applesauce as a side. Got the two corn muffins left over from when Jim was here last from the freezer and put them out, too.

Jim came a little later than his usual 12:30, having stopped at the book sale (he didn't buy anything) and we sat for a bit to chat while the pepperoni bread was in the oven. I showed him some of the pictures from my last week--such an enjoyable time. We then proceeded to have a heated argument...

...I don't want to go into it at length, but it involved what Jim thought was a constant bombardment of Facebook comments from me. No such thing--he didn't understand how "notifications" work and I didn't understand that he gets them on email. Anyway, he wanted to get to his email on my laptop (which I had out) to show me, but we couldn't do it and finally, he managed on my phone. It seems to me he must have somehow directed Facebook notifications to go to his email, but I have no idea how. Anyway, he doesn't want to be on Facebook and I unfriended him; he doesn't seem to know how to do it himself.

He asked me to scan (although he didn't use the word; I don't think he knows it) his social security card and driver license, back and front, which I did, then gave him a copy and sent me one.  I walked him out when he left, after giving him some of the things my company had left, which I don't eat. 

I guess we're back on a friendly footing, but I've been watching Doc Martin with great pleasure and, unfortunately, Jim reminds me very much of Doc. Does that bode ill for the future? I don't know, but guess I'll find out. 


iloveac said...

I understand Jim and Facebook. It seemed I was getting comments from other folks 'feed'. Someone told me I could change their status to 'Acquaintance' as opposed to unfriending them. I did and it worked. They never know and I can still see their posts whenever I desire. Facebook has its pros and certainly cons. I don't check it every day or every week.

iloveac said...

Your first fight....that's kind of romantic, don't you think?

Mimi said...

PAT--ROMANTIC??!! Why, yes, after our argument, we made mad, passionate love on the sofa!! Ha, ha!
Anyway, I was also wrong in telling Jim there was no connection between FB and email. Then I realized that, lately, I've been getting email messages when someone comments on my page or response to my comment. This is new and I had never asked for it.
It seemed best to simply unfriend Jim, as he never puts anything on it, or even looks at it. You can probably see it as it would appear to an "unfriend." Yes, I had sent him some things, but not for a long time.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...