Wednesday, March 09, 2022


Things are looking up, I'm happy to say. I did a load of wash, straightened up a lot of the linen closet and completed other chores and errands I had put off. Finally got the scheduler at Dr. T.'s office and made an appointment for my yearly skin scan. Incredibly, there was nothing at all open in Ventura and I have to go to Camarillo. First available time? May 26! But the hell with it. I'll keep in on the calendar for now, but maybe see if my masters at Blue Shield might allow me to go elsewhere. 

Had lunch at 12:30, early for me, and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart after. The weirdest thing happened while I was on my way: I pulled a tissue out of my pocket (my nose has been running since I moved to California six year ago) and accidentally pulled out my little note, too. It blew across the sidewalk and down an embankment, then disappeared. I remembered most of what I wanted to get, but I think it was probably a good thing it happened. Why? Because I prompted me to write notes on my phone, which makes a lot more sense, so now I'll do that. 

Home, dinner, DVDing (The Man In the Iron Mask, an oldie, but goodie--what's not to like about John Malkovich?), and bed. Unfortunately, I awoke at 4:00, got up for the usual and tried to fall back--sometimes, I can do this--but no luck and I got up at 5:00. May take a nap later. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...