Friday, March 18, 2022

Thursday, A Wonderful Day

After a short morning walk (one and a bit miles), it was off to Santa Barbara. Picked Betty up at Alamar Villa, and drove to Carolyn's. Just as we pulled in, so did Duane, cousin Sally, and Duane's lady friend, Anita. We all descended on Carolyn and an enormous amount of family fun ensued.

Hadn't seen Sally for 25 years and we had lots to discuss. Sal has six children from two marriages (first husband was killed in a motorcycle accident, leaving her with two babies; second died about two years ago after a debilitating stroke and long illness) and if Duane is any indication, they're just terrific people. He's very, very warm, outgoing, and friendly, as is Anita. Both married before, he's an Apple engineer, she's retired (middle fifties) from teaching, and I declared they're both keepers. Here we are yesterday:

And here are the cousins: Sally, Betty, and me:
This is terrible of Betty, but here's a better one of the three of us, along with brothers, Larry and Frank. 
From left, front: me, Betty, and Sally: 
And here's a nice one of Betty, taken by Duane:
Sally and me:
Anyway, it was a wonderful, wonderful day, the perfect sendoff after a wonderful, wonderful week. Now I'm doing the third of many washes. I'll be drying a lot of laundry, too, but more important, drying my farewell tears...😢 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...