Saturday, March 19, 2022


Well, at least I didn't mope around all day. After stripping the beds, I did three large loads of wash, remade bed, returned Suzanne's futon, stowed my own, took the trash out, ran the dishwasher, and completed various other chores. After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for broccoli, squash, and bananas, then to The Dollar Tree for dry bleach and a few other items. 

I returned Suzanne's futon and she suggested we have one of our little social sessions at 5:00. We did and she brought a nice place of sliced yellow peppers, avocado chunks, and crackers with her O'Doul's. I showed her a few of the pictures from the last week and she filled me in on her activities. She was asked to head up a weekly Lenten prayer group at Our Lady of the Assumption and she described that. Also, the three Sisters who lived nearby had her over for a St. Pat's Day dinner. 

As ever, I was reminded that the course of people's lives vary as they shape it--or, unfortunately for some, don't shape it--and that's usually a good thing. Suzanne's would drive me into an asylum, mine probably would do the same for her, but I know we're both content with our own. It seems to me the ones to be pitied are those who just let life happen to them--rudderless ships on a turbulent sea... 

...thinking of whom, I called Jim and we had a long talk, since I hadn't had him over for two weeks. Of course, I invited him for lunch today and, of course, he accepted with pleasure. I have some things left over, so we'll have some of this and that. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...