Sunday, March 06, 2022


Happily, I slept well, although I got up at 5:30, a little earlier than I like. Tidied up a bit after breakfast and prepared for lunch with Jim. I had problems with making my phone ring louder, but finally looked on-line and found out how to do it. You'd think you could just have a mute, non-mute button, but no, that's too for Apple, I guess. Suzanne came over to try to help, but she doesn't have a smart phone and couldn't do it, either. I finally went on-line and got the lowdown.

Jim got here at his usual 12:30 and we sat on the couch to chat before lunch. I served a version of my turkey stir-fry, adding potatoes, mushrooms, and peas. He loved it, as he did the corn bread muffins; however, I thought they were mediocre and told him I'd make them from scratch next time.

After that, we sat and talked about a range of topics, including cremation, education, and income tax. He asked me to copy a document I got, but he hadn't; I went do it and found I was out of one of the black inks. Asked him to take me to Office Max for another, he did, and I put that in. Made him the copy, then we talked for some time on his income tax woes.

I told him about Neil Postman's Technopoly, which is so prescient and on the mark, it's hard to believe it was published thirty years ago. When I finish it, I'll return it to the library, then buy a copy. Neil Postman was one of the leading scholars of the age, it seems to me, and I wish he was still around. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...