Friday, March 25, 2022


Have aliens taken over the medical profession or what? After all my travail with Miramar--and it isn't over yet--I got a voice mail call from Rolling Oaks about my mammogram appointment. It had been scheduled for next Monday for more than a month, but I was informed yesterday that "we do not have a technologist to do the exam," so I need to have it done on April 22 in Oxnard. What, they didn't know this beforehand? This means I'll have to get the Access Van to take me, but oh, all right, I'll do it.

Speaking of practices from hell, I called Miramar Optical and said I wanted to speak to the  manager--in person, NOT on the phone.  This is in reference to my worthless glasses--or rather, they're worth a dollar, which is what I pay for all my reading glasses, since the second part of the prescription wasn't filled. I was surprised that the person who called (not the manager, because the manager has left and she's filling in--AAGH!) said I could come in today (Friday) at 2:00.  To soothe my jangled nerves, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree before lunch; there and back is three miles and by the time I got home, I was laughing it off. 

After lunch, I didn't feel like going into town or much else, and took a short nap. That one-hour helped, and when I got up, I started several hours of food prep. I had bought several pounds of chicken thighs (dark meat is much more flavorful than white) and had a recipe that included rice, chicken broth, and seasonings, so I made that. Since that didn't use all the chicken, I also put some in the oven with Italian dressing. Cooked up the fresh spinach I had bought the other day with my usual olive oil/vinegar/garlic dressing. I also partly prepared the butternut squash I had. By the time I was finished, it was 6:00 and I had some of the aforementioned. 

Just got an email from son, Mike, saying that my granddaughter, Vivian, will attend the University of Hawaii to study marine biology. (However, if she gets into USC, who haven't announced yet, she'll go there.) I'm disappointed she didn't get into UCSB, where her parents went, but Hawaii sounds good, too. Her sister, Violet, will again attend the Ojai camp in July, plus Mike will be here on a business trip in a few weeks. Can't wait to see him.

Unfortunately, I had difficulty sleeping. Woke up at 2:00 am and only dozed on and off--I think, not sure--until I got up at 6:00. I have T.O.P.S. this morning and the optician at 2:00, but maybe I can nap in between.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...