Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trip Day--NOT!

😭Forget the following: When I finished writing this, I got an email and text that my trip HAS BEEN CANCELLED.  More later or tomorrow.

Getting down to the wire, I stripped the bed, washed the sheet and other items, then pulled together some family ancestor pics and documents to share with those I'll see. That took a few hours. I changed my automatic payment to my phone service and put on them on the new debit card. Ellen and called and we had a lovely chat. I'm anxious to see those on the east coast, but I'll miss her, of course.

Checked in and printed out my boarding pass and paid the checked bag fee. Spent a lot of time just arranging and rearranging my suitcases. Did a second load of wash, took out the trash, and otherwise completed final preparations for my trip.    

I set my alarm for 4:45, as Suzanne is picking me up at 6:00 to get to the Airporter. Incredibly, I slept like a stone, as the Brits say, and feel wonderfully refreshed and buoyant. 

I'm on my way!  👌

1 comment:

Pat said...

OMG Rosemary. I'm so sorry.
I saw today that American Airlines cancelled 1500 flights due to inadequate staffing. Why was yours cancelled? Do you have a new date? What a downer. All the prep...grrrr.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...