Monday, October 04, 2021

A Day In The Life...

It was an unusual day, in that I hardly went out at all, since I had told Vickie I'd be here. She was in an all-day billiards tournament and her friend, Sandy, was staying with Mixed-Up Mary. Suzanne and I agreed she could call on us if she needed to.

I got a number of little chores done, including preparing spinach and marinating tilapia. I had those and leftover mashed potatoes for dinner--so good.  Repotted some things in the patio, dead-headed the geraniums, and cut back the daisies. 

Called Doris G. in Virginia and we had a long talk--same old Doris. Called my niece, Joan, in New York and chatted with her, her husband, son Jeremy, and granddaughter, little Cora, who's four. They were all in the car headed back from a playground. Called Muckie twice, but there was no answer and no evidence of an answering machine. Julie called and we firmed up plans for lunch today.

About 3:00, Suzanne came back from a swim and suggested we go over and meet Sandy. We did, and she proved to be an interesting person. She's seventy, very slender, and quite attractive in an unadorned way. She mentioned two daughters, but I don't know what her marital status is--or her orientation, for that matter. She said she thought she had met me before, but I don't recall that. Anyway, I liked her and might see more of her, as Suzanne mentioned the five of us getting together for Happy Hour. (More accurately, maybe, "happy hour," sans caps, which is how I characterize it when the drinks are non-alcoholic.) 

Home, I got the mail, sent off a check to the termite guy, and scanned an escrow update from Chase for Mike and emailed it to him. Packaged some cardboard train parts for little Mr. K. in Tokyo. I'll get to the P.O. soon and send it off.     

Did I mention Happy Hour above? Suzanne called me before dinner to ask if I'd like to meet outside for our own little H.H. Sure thing and she had her O'Doul's, I my Stella Artois (Belgian wheat beer) and we chatted happily for forty-five or so. We both got texts from Vickie with pictures of the tournament and I'll check the morning paper shortly to see if it's covered. 


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