Monday, October 11, 2021

Soggy Sunday

Did a color wash in the morning, then did my tomato/onion/garlic/seasoning concoction and popped it in the oven. I looked at American Airlines for tickets to Jersey. At this point, it looks as if I may go on the 26th and return in November, but I'm still hashing it out.

I walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street library branch after lunch. It was not staffed, of course, but I got in with my card. There were three others there--very quiet--and I sat and read for an hour or so. Walked from there to Victoria and took a bus home. 

Called Ellen, as I still have her plant she left at Carolyn's. She'll stop here today about 4:00 to pick it up. I have lunch with Julie and Amy today; we're going to Rumfish in town. 

Aside from that, it was a typical soggy (dull and boring) Sunday. This coming week should be considerably more fun. 

SO-O-O, now it's 9:27 and I just now got on here, thanks to Yandoo Communications (or "Communications"). I should without my monthly tribute, maybe.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...