Wednesday, October 27, 2021


At 7:30, I walked over to Quest Diagnostics at Von's and got a blood test; home in time for breakfast. After, walked to The Market for blueberries, then to Wal-Mart. At the latter, I got milk, Ritz chips, and (tee-hee) unmentionables.  Brother Larry called just to chat and to tell me to bring my bathing suit; I'll see him in Florida soon.

Had lunch, then used the two flat rate medium P.O. boxes I had picked up to send some things ahead to N.J.: my flannel bathrobe, snow/rain boots, two pairs of peddle pushers, and two tank tops (green and blue), then put them in  my little cart and walked to the P.O.  They cost a total of $32.00, but it was well worth it to ship them ahead.

Stopped on the way home at Von's for bread and wine (doesn't that sound biblical?). Ellen stopped over after work to see if she could get Lyft on my phone, which is an android. She couldn't, but then we figured I wouldn't need to use it until the end of November, anyway. That's if I can't get a friend to pick me up that late. 

Unfortunately, I slept badly again. Hope this doesn't last.


Pat said...

Here's free, unsolicited advice....more than likely you have a little normal anxiety with all the things you have to do....why not take half of your Ativan tabs. You need sleep and don't want to get 'run down' (old-fashioned term) from lack of sound sleep. Caution: Don't take it along with other sleep pills unless your doc gives the OK.

Mimi said...

Pat, I did so, as you may know by now--and it worked! Thanks!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...