Friday, October 01, 2021


I set off for Smart 'n' Final about 10:30, but it was so hot, I decided not to go. It was windy, too, but even the wind was hot. Instead, I just walked over to Von's for crabmeat and spinach.

The maintenance guys were here changing batteries in the smoke detector and replacing the air filters. I was just walking in when they were leaving. Unfortunately, as I opened the door, the damn smoke detector starting beeping. Javier came back in and removed the (new) batteries; said he'd be back and put in a new smoke detector. Later, I got a call from the office saying they had to order them and it would take a few days. Since I don't have slightest concern about fire--I'm on the first floor and the building is all stucco--that's fine by me.

After lunch, I did something really radical for me: I went to the pool! I took my pretzels and bottle of Stella Artois (you're not supposed to have glass at the pool, but I'm just a criminal, I guess), plus towel, book, glasses, and phone, and stayed about an hour. I first went in the pool--it was still hard to go under--then the hot tub. After, I just sat reading my terrific new book (Amazon delivered it overnight), which I think should be on everyone's agenda. 

It illustrates the sheer wrongheadedness of those who insist the world is getting worse--more crime, more poverty, more child death, more division between rich and poor, and so on. It's easy to see why this prevails in the minds of so many--Rosling points out how the negativity tendency, media "news," and many other factors make us believe otherwise. When it comes to actual facts and true statistics, though, it simply isn't true. Anyway, I find the book fascinating--and hopeful, even.

Called Jim when I got home and left a message, but haven't heard back. I'm looking forward to seeing Ellen and Greg today, when I'll take them out to dinner to celebrate her birthday--finally, as it was on September 11th. I have a little jokey gift for her, too.


1 comment:

Pat said...

I quickly read Bill Gates's review of the book and now I want to read the book. I'm going to ask our librarian to order it if we don't already have it. Thanks for the referral.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...