Sunday, October 10, 2021

Jim And Joy

Walked to The Market at 9:00 and walked back, so got three miles in. Prepared for lunch and laid out various on the table, as I always do when Jim is here. He and I had talked about yearbooks the other day and I got my own (HSHS '54) out to show him.  He said he didn't have a yearbook--why would he want one?--and I sighed, as I often do hearing some of Jim's pronouncements. It then occurred to me to see if I could find his (St. Ignatius College Prep, San Francisco '61) on the Internet. To my surprise, I did and here's some of what I found:

Above, he's standing with glasses. He was actually a nice-looking kid and what surprised me, was pretty active in high school. He mentioned he had gone to "all the proms." (I can barely imagine Jim at any social gathering, let alone a prom.) Unlike at HSHS, every class had one yearly, or I got that impression. Anyway, he seemed to get a kick out of both my yearbook and the pictures I had printed out from his. 

Jim and I shared one of the little cocktails I had bought at WinCo the other day--the one called Mango Chili, which was actually pretty good. We had wine with lunch, he his usual red, I Chardonnay.  He stayed until 3:30, then left. He'll be picking me up for the Dudley House covered dish on Wednesday and, with that in mind, I looked up some possible dishes I could bring. I may bring an appetizer of cocktail meatballs; They're pretty easy to make and I can make them in my smaller slow cooker.  

Note: Oh, joy!  I've been sleeping well the last three nights. Just got up at 6:30 and feel good. 


Pat said...

You little investigative reporter you. I know I'd like him. He's Jesuit trained. So was Rich and my brother Jim.
I was on HSHS first Forensic team in '56 and 57'. I loved it and learned how to argue intelligently. Got to go to many colleges for debates...never won though. He's perfect for you and your inquisitive mind.

Mimi said...

Finally, at long last, I think I've persuaded Blogger to notify me by email of comments.
Yes, Jim sometimes mentions the Jesuits, comparing them favorably with "parish priests," whom he disparages.
Reminds me a bit of ultra-liberals' attitude toward Trump versus democrats.
Anyway, I'll see him again tomorrow at the Dudley House potluck.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...