Sunday, October 17, 2021


Spent time preparing lunch for The Man Who Came To Dinner Lunch; rather, he who was coming and does, regularly, once a week. It occurred to me that no matter how much I make, Jim will eat it. He's fearfully thin and I honestly don't think he eats enough. Anyway, I made a sandwich of chicken and one of hard-boiled egg, then made another, one side chicken and one egg. I also put out the rest of the crystal pickles, grapes, and chips. I was pleased to notice he ate the chicken sandwich and both halves of the extra, plus all the pickles and some of the grapes and chips.

As for our conversation, we talked about abortion and as ever, he quoted St. Thomas Aquinas, who seems to have gotten his ideas from Aristotle. (Damn, for two lapsed Catholic, we talk about morality a remarkable amount of the time.) As with Noreen, I did not agree at all, but it made for a lively exchange. I also showed him the Rider yearbooks Donna had left me--I found out that her Dad, Joe, had actually graduated in 1954, not '55, but she left me both of those, plus '52 and '53.  I loved looking them over and was delighted to realize I knew some of the faculty and administrators pictured. (I started working at Rider in 1975.)   

After Jim left, I did the food prep I had been putting off: scrubbed several pounds of potatoes, cut them into wedges, seasoned, and roasted them in the over, then cut and chopped eight large onions. Stowed some in the freezer and had some for one of my sketchy vegan dinners: spinach, the potatoes, and grapes. Actually, it was pretty good.

Will be with Suzanne today for a walk and lunch. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...