Monday, October 18, 2021

Sunday With Suzanne

It was a pretty good Sunday, as Sundays go. For openers, the crossword was absorbing and I got all of it. Did a color wash, ran the dishwasher, then prepared to go to Oxnard with Suzanne. We met outside at 11:00, as planned, and drove to Seabridge. This is an spectacularly beautiful, very large complex that includes homes (several mil, no question) townhouses, condos, plus a large, but tasteful, shopping center (no chains except Vons), plenty of green areas, lovely foliage and flowers, and--best of all--a wide waterway on which are docked a variety of perfectly kept boats, including large yachts. There's a wonderful walk all along the canals, which we took. 

After we walked about a mile around the canal, Suzanne suggested we have lunch, so we turned back. Ate at The Fisherman's Catch and both had red snapper (very good) and Cole slaw (mediocre), and me a beer. Considering the area, I was surprised it was reasonably--well, reasonable. My niece, Joan, called while we were still there and I caught up with her when we got home about 1:30. The big news from her is that she and Jim are moving to Orlando on November 8. 

I put on a lighter top--it was a gorgeous day--and took off for town. On impulse, I got off at Seaward and walked to The Promenade next to the ocean. Lovely day, but with a brisk wind. Went from there to Main, stopping here and there. Bought a blouse and two DVDs (it's an addiction, I tell you), then bused home. I think I got a bit more than four miles in, hoping that would facilitate a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't.

I didn't get in until 6:00, at which point, I made one of my ground turkey stir-fries, adding chopped onions and a vegetable mix. I had enough for three large portions, so stowed two in the freezer. My neighbor, Olivia, knocked on the door to present me with three big avocados (she's the one whose sister has an orchard). I'll certainly give one to Suzanne and maybe one to Vickie. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...