Friday, October 29, 2021

Another One And Ativan

Ho, boy, another busy day. Went over to Von's for sale items blueberries and salad dressing. Home and I started pulling together and copying some family ancestor pictures and documents for Larry's crew in Florida. I'm trying to keep it to some kind of sequential narrative, but boy, do I have a lot of material.

Noreen picked me up at 12:45 and I asked her to take me to Donna's to retrieve my Rider yearbook. It was hard to find her house, especially since the Ventura system of numbering is designed to keep anybody from actually locating what they're looking for. We finally did, though, I got the book and we went off to Two Trees for lunch. I don't know why I keep ordering hamburger there; it's never rare enough and so sloppy it's hard to eat. However, the draft beer made it go down better. We then went a few doors over to The Dollar Tree, where I picked up a some file folders and other stuff for my trip.

I didn't get home until 3:00 and then debated whether to go in the pool (it was 90 degrees, but with no humidity) or take a nap and the nap won out. I've had terrible insomnia again and I debated whether or not to take a minor milligram dose of Ativan tonight (and see below). I had just drifted off when Vickie called to ask if she could come over for a bit. Sure--I can sleep later--and we sat out front and talked. 

I'm afraid Vickie's latest breast cancer report is not good. That, combined with her continuing worry about her partner, Mary, whose Alzheimer's is progressing so quickly, is hard to bear. I wish I could help in some way, but I think just sitting and talking is a help. Also, wonder of wonders, she asked when I was returning from Jersey. During the course of conversation, she casually offered to pick me up when I get in on the Airporter from LAX at 11:30 pm. Oh, what a relief that is--she's become such a good friend. 

I did, indeed, take the Ativan--a little nervously because I have them in strengths from one milligram to five. I finally took half of one mg. and happy day, that did the trick! Of course, I omitted my usual OTC sleep aid (I'm not quite that dense), but I feel so much better this morning--yay! 

1 comment:

Pat said... way do you have Ativan in the strength of 5 mg. I believe what you have are 1.0 mg tabs and 0.5 mg tabs. So if you took half of the one mg tab, you actually got the same strength as the 0.5 mg tabs.

The other strength Ativan comes in is.....2.0 mg.

Whatever, I'm glad it worked and take another half tonight.

Ativan 0.5 mg is equal to taking half of a 1.0 mg tab. If you break the 1.0 mg in half you get 0.5 mg.....never 5 mg. The decimal is very important.

It's like 50 cents is half of a dollar. or 0.5 is half of 1.0


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...