Monday, November 01, 2021

Halloween Horror

I got a new reservation for my trip for today, Monday, November 1. That was also cancelled.

I simply don't have the heart to detail my phone, Internet, and in-person frantic activities, but they lasted most of the day. I was in touch--many times and for hours--with the airline, Suzanne, the Airporter, my friend, Lora, who's a travel agent, Ellen, Jim, Nancy, and others. I now have a reservation for tomorrow, Tuesday, but who knows if that will work out?  I'm so disheartened I don't even want to write about it. It's a Halloween Horror story, all right, and I won't rest easy until I set foot in New Jersey.

I was cheered a little by the children who came to the door and continued the old ritual. I hadn't bought candy, but have a lot of change and gave out quarters to all. I had four groups with maybe fifteen kids in all and some parents.   

Suzanne stopped in after her dinner with her fellow sisters (sister sisters). She showed me the costume she wore--sort of a lobster head piece with a pink bathrobe for the body--and commiserated with me about the freakish plane situation. Ellen called and we talked. I called Jim to tell him about the new  development; invited him for lunch today and he accepted.  

I enjoyed seeing and talking to my friend, Pat R., and will look at her video shortly. A few people mentioned I should seek compensation because of  my cancellations; I don't know if I'll get anywhere, but I might--for what it's worth.

Note to myself: I have now paid for checked bags three times ($30 each) and for three different seats (costs have varied). I assume the extra will be refunded.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...