Tuesday, November 09, 2021


 Walked 2.5 after breakfast. Called my old friend, daily walking partner, and across-the-street neighbor, Susan G. I invited her and Walter to lunch today, after I meet Kim, the real estate person, at 11:00. She was pleased to hear from me and suggested the Dynasty  Diner in Little Egg, which I've always liked, so it's a date. 

After lunch, I tried to connect with Uber to get a ride, but for all kinds of annoying reasons, didn't get there. So I took yet another walk and got in another 3, which made five for the day and that was fine.

The weather continues wonderfully sunny and pleasantly warm; today, it's supposed to get up to 70.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...