Saturday, November 06, 2021


 I called Kim W., the real estate agent and confirmed our meeting next Tuesday at 11:00. Also called tenant Susan; I left a message and will try to see her at my house the same day at 10:00. Walked 3.6 miles to Harry Wright Lake and back. The weather's been good, considering I'm back east: thirties in the mornings, but warmer later, with sunshine, which makes my day. Here's a pic from the lake of buzzards showing off.

Also checked out the house on Heiser Avenue where Pat and I first lived after we married. You can't see anything of our tiny, two-room apartment, as it was upstairs and in the back--sort of a tiny, under-the-roof domicile. Yoicks--that was sixty-three years ago.  Here it is: 
It's interesting how different south Jersey is from southern California. The weather is one thing, of course, but the colorful foliage, the absence of palm trees, and the large lawns common to middle-class housing here are notable, too. And it still takes me a few minutes to remember the three-hour time difference--now, is it earlier in Jersey or later? Oh, wait: My phone says 6:41 am and the laptop says 4:34! Something's awry and I can't imagine what, but will pursue this.  

1 comment:

Pat said...

When I lived in Fl I missed the trees up North. I took them for granted when I lived there but upon returning for a visit I would look at them in awe. Keep enjoying everything.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...